1.The Comparison of Artistic Style between Degradation and Norwegian Wood;《沉沦》和《挪威的森林》艺术风格之比较
2.On "He" in Degradation by YU Da-fu;论郁达夫小说《沉沦》中的“他”
3.On the Artistic Sources of Degradation ——Yu Dafu s Reception and Revision of Satou Harou s Literary Thought;论《沉沦》的创作源泉——兼论郁达夫对佐藤春夫文学思想的接受与修正

1.The Decadence of the Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism--The Cause of Hero s Death in “Decadence”;儒释道精神的沉沦——论《沉沦》主人公的死因
2.The Comparison of Artistic Style between Degradation and Norwegian Wood;《沉沦》和《挪威的森林》艺术风格之比较
3.Look at Yu Dafu s "Sink Into Depravity" Thought Significance from Creating an Agent;从创作动因看郁达夫《沉沦》的思想意义
4.On Yu Dafu s Tragic Style from Chen Lun;从《沉沦》看郁达夫小说的悲剧风格
5.On the "Phenomenon of Sinking-Low ( Chen Lun ) "from Three Different Angles;三种学科视角下的“《沉沦》现象”阐释
6.Modernity and Traditional Culture--Analysis of "Chen Lun";现代与传统的冲突——论《沉沦》的创作思想
7.A comparison between Regretfor the Past and Sinking in the theme of love;《伤逝》和《沉沦》的爱情主题比较
8.Drink brought about his downfall.酗酒导致他的沉沦。
9.He sank into vice, deeper and deeper.他沉沦下去,越陷越深。
10.Must I sink down there, and die at once?"我应该沉沦于此,并且马上死掉吗?”
11.Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.我们不要在绝望的深谷里面沉沦。
12.The red sunset was sinking in a naked halo.那鲜红的夕阳在裸着的光环下沉沦。
13.But it wasn't only falling celebrities who won attention.但并不只是沉沦的明星才会受到关注。
14.Or state itself confounded to decay,见到庄严的景象向寂灭沉沦;
15.I will drown in mirage with you, though I am not your Messiah.我会与你沉沦幻境,虽然我不能拯救你。
16.From Perishing to Redeeming: Bei Cun Work Religious Belief;从沉沦到救赎:北村作品中的宗教信仰
17.Sinking and Defiance--About The body expression of novels of YuDafu;沉沦和反抗——郁达夫小说的身体言说
18.Heidegger s Falling and Sartre s Intervention;海德格尔的“沉沦”和萨特的“介入”

1.Romanticism Introduced: Three Short Stories in Yu Dafu Sinking Revisited;引来的浪漫主义:重读郁达夫《沉沦》中的三篇小说
2.By depicting particularly dramatis personal feelings and their conflicts and struggle between logos and unlogos,Sinking and Red Rose and White Roseillustrate spirit crisis and life chaos caused by unbanlance between logos and unlogos.《沉沦》《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》都通过主人公内心世界的细致描绘,通过人物内心的理性与非理性的矛盾与挣扎,向人们揭示了理性与非理性失衡所带来的精神危机和生活混乱。
3.This thesis will combine their famous novel Sons and Lovers and Sinking with their life experiences, effects of society on them, and discussion of their worldviews.在本文中我们将以他们最为著名的小说《儿子与情人》和《沉沦》为例,结合他们的生平经历以及社会对两位的影响和他们所特有的世界观来进行讨论。
3)Chen Lun《沉沦》
1.The Inner Link Between Chen Lun and the Humanities Physique of Chinese Traditional Society;《沉沦》和中国传统社会人文体格的初步剖析
2.The Complex Mentality of "Chinese Intellectuals of the Last Generation "through Chen Lun;茫茫烟水回头望 也为神州泪暗弹——从《沉沦》看“中国最后一代传统知识分子”的复杂心理
1.Steven s view on existence,language,and home is interrelated to Herdegars aesthetics though the former explains degeneration,void,and living for death with his own features.斯蒂文斯诗歌呈现出海德格尔美学特色的原因,斯蒂文斯的存在、语言、家园观都与后者的美学有着相通性,而前者的诗歌对于后者的沉沦、虚无、向死生存也有着自己特色的演绎。
1.Hearing and Falling Martin Heidegger on being-in-the-world of Dasein;倾听和沉沦——海德格尔论此在的在世
1.Conscience and drown——Elementary discussion on Heidegger s dasein;良知与沉沦——浅谈海德格尔的此在
2.His thinking of "conscience" and "drown " knowledge break the inherent theory frame existing in the thought of former people,and become people s most dispensable survival phenomenon in the depth of exist.海德格尔对“沉沦”和“良知”的思考打破了所有以前人们思想中固有的理论框架,让沉沦和良知在存在的深度上作为人最切己的生存现象,活生生地显摆出来。
