1.The two writers were conscious and successful to widely use humor and irony in their works,and there are similarities while they keep their own personality characteristics in it.其手法既有相似之处,又有自身的个性特征。

1.An inherent similarity between persons or things.相似人或事物之间遗传上的相似之处
2.a noticeable resemblance.显而易见的相似之处
3.Fish are alike in many ways.鱼有很多相似之处
4.The heart is analogous to a pump.心脏和水泵有相似之处
5.examine and note the similarities or differences of.仔细检查二者相似之处和不同之处。
6.remark the likeness between father and son注意到父子之间的相似之处.
7.There are some similarities between the two poets.那两位诗人之间有些相似之处
8.Trace an analogy between pastoral poetry and landscape painting.找出田园诗和风景画之间的相似之处
9.I see no likeness whatever between him and his brother.我看不出他和他兄弟有任何相似之处
10.There's no analogy between his position and yours.他的见解与你的并无相似之处
11.I am not even faintly like a rose.我跟玫瑰花毫无相似之处
12.His books all have a certain sameness about them.他的各本著作都具有某种相似之处
13.Abstraction and grammaticalization have similarity in some respects.语法化与抽象化有一定的相似之处
14.Did you remark the similarity between them?你注意到他们中的相似之处吗?
15.Early man shows certain affinities with the ape.早期的人类和猿有某些相似之处.
16.The similarity I am talking about is their work ethics.我说的相似之处在于他们的职业精神。
17.On the Similarities Between Saussure s Semiology and Peirce s Semiotics;评欧美现代符号学源头中的相似之处
18.Nouns can be used as verbs in both English and old Chinese;英语和古汉语中名词动用的相似之处

A remarkable parallel惊人的相似之处
3)analog processing相似处理
6)The way to get along with people相处之道

处咸、处廉《补续高僧传》【处咸、处廉《补续高僧传》】  处咸。生天台王氏。七岁入国清。十四受具戒。力学无对入。天封三年。毕阅藏典谒神照。深契教旨。为人恭默自逊。神照托疾。命代宣。众一聆而心服。初住赤城崇善。李庭芝守台。梦神人曰。公典天台五祖台上一。有龙头九九和上。宜就见之。咨询莫喻。有识者谓李曰。天台五祖。昔居赤城。今咸师住此。生于丙辰九月九日。其龙头九九之谓乎。李大愕。即命驾造访师。为谈出世道。深有契会。以寺宇隘陋。谋迁之。李捐金十。就东南地开起一。获铜磬于土中。继主白莲。师居山五十年。登门受道者。以万计。元祐元年正月。法鼓击之不呜。师曰。吾将行矣。期以晨钟时。寂然而化  处廉。生永嘉潘氏。处胞三年。九岁出家。谒神照。大明圆顿之旨。然三指供佛祈妙悟。未几。擢居第一座。照以止观一帙。授之曰。汝当建大法幢。恨吾不之见耳。后屡主大刹。道化隆振。旨署神悟之号。丞相王安石。与一时朝贤。竞为歌诗。以赞其德。郡大旱。师至龙湫。为龙语。忽大风黑云从湫起。骤雨如注。师四十年中。十坐道场。讲唱无倦。登门受法者。三千人。熙宁乙卯四月。集众讽普贤行法阿弥陀经。乃曰。吾得无生。日用久矣。今以无生。而生净土。遂寂。弟子塔其全身。杨无为。为之铭。师与咸。山出神照。人称神照之门。二处一身云