1.On Two Basic Conflicts of Iliad;谈《伊利亚特》的两个基本冲突

1.From Iliadto Troy--Introspecting the Reconstruction of Canon;从《伊利亚特》到《特洛伊》——经典重构之反思
2.the story of the Trojan War is told in Homer's Iliad.特洛伊战争的故事在荷马的《伊利亚特》中有记述。
3.Iliad is generally fathered on Homer.人们一般认为《伊利亚特》为荷马所著。
4.in Greece as the Iliad and the Odyssey;在希腊则成了《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》;
5.Homer's Iliad comes under the head of heroic or epic poetry.荷马的《伊利亚特》属于英雄史诗类。
6.a verse translation of Homer's `Iliad'荷马《伊利亚特》的诗体翻译.
7.Individualism --Subjective Cultural Spirit the Iliad个人主义是《伊利亚特》的主体文化精神
8.Iliad and Shi Jing Warfare Poetry Comparison;《伊利亚特》和《诗经》中战争诗比较
9.On necessary law between plot and character of Iliad;论《伊利亚特》情节和性格中的必然律
10.Monarchial Power, Human Rights And Rights Of Woman--Another Explanation About The Iliad And The Han Gong Qiu;君权·人权·女权——《伊利亚特》、《汉宫秋》别解
11.Epic Similes in The Iliad and Their Influences;《伊利亚特》中的史诗明喻及其影响
12.The Iliad makes it clear that destruction came upon Troy because the Trojans stole Greek women.《伊利亚特》说得很明白,特洛伊城之所以被毁,原因是特洛伊人拐走了希腊的妇女。
13.Something seems to be like the nuclear bombs.整个故事几乎和荷马的《伊利亚特》有一比。
14.These early Greeks of the "Iliad" are sturdy fighters.《伊利亚特》里的早期希腊人是刚强的战士。
15.The Cultural Difference Between China and Western Countries Observed From the Perspective of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "The Iliad";从《三国演义》与《伊利亚特》看中西文化差异
16.The Semantic Gene of "Translate" and the English Translators Idea of Equivalence of the Iliad;“Translate”的语义基因与《伊利亚特》英译者的等值思想
17.War,Ethic and Literature:"Hero" in Iliad;战争、伦理及文学——兼《伊利亚特》的“英雄”之一瞥
18.Records of Mountain and Sea and Ilias --Narration Comparison Between Chinese and Western War Mythology;《山海经》与《伊利亚特》——中西战争神话叙事比较

1.On Dialectical Relationship between Epic and Mythology through Study of Iliad;从荷马史诗《伊利亚特》论析史诗与神话的辩证关系
2.Ode to Eastern and Western National Heroes——A Comparison between Iliad and King Ge Saerwang;东西方民族的英雄颂歌——《伊利亚特》与《格萨尔王》比较
3)The Story of the Iliad伊利亚特的故事
1.Brief Analysis of the Piano Suite Iberia by Albeniz;绚烂的民族之花——简析阿尔贝尼斯的钢琴套曲《伊比利亚》
2.Each one of the piano suite Iberia, the most famous work of Albeniz, is based on the topic of Spain.钢琴组曲《伊比利亚》是阿尔贝尼斯的颠峰之作,其中的每一首作品都以西班牙音乐主题为基础,将华丽的钢琴技巧与丰富的西班牙民间音乐素材相结合,水乳交融,相得益彰,在西班牙乐坛享有极高的声誉。
3.The piano suite 《Iberia》 are the most famous works, composed by the Spanish cpmpser Albeniz in the 19th century.钢琴作品《伊比利亚》是19世纪西班牙作曲家阿尔贝尼斯的颠峰之作,具有极其浓郁的西班牙民族特色和卓越的创作技法。
1.Psychological Explanation for Eliade s “Sacredness”;伊利亚德“神圣”观念的心理学阐释
