1.The hero Clym intended to return to the native and rebuilt it,however,the heroine Eustacia was tired of the wilderness to break away from it.姚伯的回归荒原,改造荒原,还是游苔莎的厌倦荒原,摆脱荒原,都反映了哈代那个时代的"现代"青年与环境的剧烈冲突。
2.As a critical realist in the 19th century,Hardy sympathized with the heroines,Eustacia,Tess and Sue,whose strong desire for freedom and happiness was ruined by social environment.本文试从哈代的三部小说《还乡》、《德伯家的苔丝》、《无名的裘德》中的女主人公游苔莎、苔丝、淑所遭遇的爱情悲剧来反观作者的女性观:作为19世纪的批判现实主义作家,哈代对于女性追求自由和幸福的强烈愿望及所遭受到的社会和环境的压制寄予了深切的同情;而另一方面,哈代的女性观虽具有超越时代性,但依旧未能从本质上揭露造成女性悲剧的社会原因,也尚未指出明确的改造道路。

1.Eustacia's face flagged.游苔莎脸上嗒然若丧。
2.Hardy s View on Nature and the Tragedy of Eutacia and Tess;哈代的自然观与游苔莎、苔丝的悲剧
3.That night was an eventful one to Eustacia's brain.那天晚上,真是游苔莎多事的一夜。
4.Eustacia looked at the lonely man.游苔莎看着这个踽踽独行的人。
5.Eustacia was reserved, and lived very much to herself.游苔莎缄默寡言,几乎总是静居独处。
6.Eustacia was nettled by her own contrivances.游苔莎对于自己这种改装的办法,觉得烦恼起来。
7.Eustacia appeared at a loss."I can not tell you that, "she said coldly游苔莎一时好像不知所答,只冷冷淡淡地说,“那我不能告诉你。”
8."You had better not talk any more now, Clym," said Eustacia faintly...“你最好现在不要再谈了吧,克林,”游苔莎弱声弱气地说…
9.He fancied that they were Eustacia, standing there and breathing wishes of reconciliation.他以为那都是游苔莎正站在那轻声低语地说她想要和好。
10.He fancied that they were Eustacia, standing without and breathing wishes of reconciliation.他以为那都是游苔莎正站在外面轻声低语地说她想要和好。
11.Eustacis felt little less extravagant about the place than they did.游苔莎爱慕这个地方,也不下于他们那样狂野热烈。
12.Eustacia slowly drew up her sleeve and disclosed her round white arm.游苔莎慢慢地把衣袖卷起,把她那只圆润丰满的白胳膊露出来了。
13.An Existentialistic Analysis of Clym and Eustacia in Hardy s the Return of the Native;论《还乡》中主要人物克林和游苔莎的存在主义特征
14.Witch of the Wasteland and Goddess of Yuanjiang River --Comparing Eustacia (The Return of the Native) and Cuicui (Bian Cheng);“荒原女巫”与“沅水女神”——比较《还乡》中的游苔莎和《边城》中的翠翠
15.Wildeve...was determined to visit Eustacia boldly, by day, and on the easy terms of relation...韦狄…决定无所顾忌地在白天以一个亲戚随便往来的那种关系去拜访游苔莎
16.Eustacia arose, and walked beside him... brushing her way over the damping heath and fern游苔莎站了起来…在他身边跟着他走去,一路之上,裙边衣角,擦着带有露水的石南和凤尾草而过。
17.Misgiving, regret, fear, resolution, ran their swift course of expression in Eustacia's dark eyes只见游苔莎漆黑的眼珠里,疑虑、后悔、恐惧和决心一样跟着一样,飞快地出现。
18.Eustacia stood just within the heath, straining her eyes in the direction of Mrs. Yeobright's house and premises.游苔莎刚好站在荒原的边界以里,朝着姚伯太太的住宅那一方面眼巴巴地看去。

sedge[英][sed?][美][s?d?](1) 莎草,(2) 苔草
1.Queen of Night under the Bondage of Tradition--A Feminist Reading of Eustacia;传统束缚下的“夜的女王”——游苔沙之女性主义解读
1.Report on the Effect of the Series Herbicide Produced by FMC Company to Control the Sedge in Rice Field;FMC公司系列药剂防除移栽水稻田莎草的试验
1.Simulation of Typhoon Matsa s Track and Strong Winds and High Waves over Yellow Sea and Bohai by MM5 and SWAN;对“麦莎”路径及造成黄渤海域大风浪的数值模拟

踏莎行 别道友游白鹿观【诗文】:要吹灯,中有作。离暂别休疑却。游白鹿观头看,前便是成行脚。要归来,霄为约。丝不断真嬉谑。诚语朴决重欢,间紧把猿儿缚。【注释】:【出处】: