1.Despair;Salvation;Return——Return: On the Formation and Evolution of Religious Theme in Daudet s Novels;绝望·拯救·回归——试论都德小说中宗教主题的构成及其演变
2.The Narrative Ethical Comparison Between Hawthorne and Daudet霍桑与都德的小说叙事伦理比较
3.The Impact and Literary Significance of the Mill in Daudet's Early Writings磨房在都德早期创作中的影响与意义
2)Alphonse Daudet (1840~1897)都德,A.
3)Daudet's fictions都德小说

1.Despair;Salvation;Return--Return: On the Formation and Evolution of Religious Theme in Daudet s Novels;绝望·拯救·回归——试论都德小说中宗教主题的构成及其演变
2.But all pale beside American classic crime novelist Raymond Chandler's 395 quotations.但这些都逊色于美国经典侦探小说家雷蒙德-钱德勒的引用395次。
3.Morals play an important part in both novels(/ both the novels).道德教训在这两本小说里面都扮演了很重要的角色。
4.Daudet:French writer of the naturalist school whose stories of life in his native Provence include Lettres de mon Moulin (1869)."都德:法国自然主义派作家,在他本省的生活小说包含《磨坊书札》(1869年)."
5.Reports from Kathmandu say small groups tried to approach King Gyanendra's palace, but were blocked by riot police.来自加德满都的报导说,一些小团体试图接近贾南德拉国王的王宫,但是被防暴警察拦阻。
6.The Short Stories of Conrad Aiken康拉德·艾坎短篇小说
7."I looked around to see who was clapping," a German official breathlessly told reporters. "They were all clapping."一位德国官员小心翼翼地告诉记者说:"我环顾四周看看都有谁在鼓掌,结果发现所有人都在拍手。
8.On the Techniques of Sherwood Anderson s Short Story;舍伍德·安德森的短篇小说创作艺术
9.Subvert and Construct Again--The City Talked about in Chandler s Novel Criticizes and Rebuilds with the Morals;钱德勒小说中的城市批评和道德重建
10.Juve are banking on the presence of Didier Deschamps to convince the exciting youngster to choose Turin as his next destination.尤文图斯正在指望着德尚能说服小将阿尔法选择都灵豪门作为自己职业生涯的下一站。
11.Vagueness of the Moral and Return of the Maze--the Impact of the "Mandarin Duck & Butterfly Faction" Observed from Current Best-selling Novels & Urban Affective Dramas;道德的犹疑 迷途的回归——从当今畅销小说和都市情感剧中看鸳鸯蝴蝶派的影响
12.There is considerable disagreement about Dreiser's status as a novelist.德来塞作为小说家这一地位众说纷
13.Short stories and romance novels are forms of fiction.长篇小说、篇小说和浪漫小说都是小说的一种形式。
14.Niemand said, "'Chicken Little,' I mean.尼曼德说道,“我是指‘小小鸡’。
15."The nicest people in town are starving," said Rhett."城里老实的人都在挨饿呢,"瑞德说。
16.All German advice is more or less mixed.德文书里所说的办法多少都有点含糊。
17.answered Caderousse, double-locking the door.卡德鲁斯回答说,把门上下都闩好。
18."I also return every single phone call," says Woodroffe.伍德罗夫说:“每一个电话我都回复。

Alphonse Daudet (1840~1897)都德,A.
3)Daudet's fictions都德小说
4)de Certeau德塞都
1.Escape But Do Not Leave : Michele de Certeau s Resistance Theory;论米歇尔·德塞都的抵制理论——避让但不逃离
2.Michel De Certeau s Everyday Life Aesthetics and Its Contemporary Cultural Significance;德塞都的日常生活美学及其当代文化意义
5)Kathmandu[英]['kɑ:tmɑ:n'du:][美][,k?tm?n'du, ,kɑtmɑn-]加德满都
1.Kathmandu Valley enjoyed very advanced architectural techniquos which combined with Indian architecture and developed its own unique style.尼泊尔加德满都谷地是喜玛拉雅地区建筑艺术最发达的地区,其建筑既借鉴了印度建筑的风格,又有其本身独特的样式。
6)Léon Daudet (1867~1942)都德,L.
