1.Paul Verlaine,regarded as the forerunner of French symbolism and master-hand in poetry,exerts great influence on the works of Dai Wangshu,who is the representative poet of Chinese symbolism.被称为"诗王"的法国象征派先驱诗人保尔·魏尔伦,对我国的象征派诗人戴望舒的诗歌创作,有很大的影响。

1.A Comparison Between Verlain s The Song of Autumn and Dai Wangshu s A Lane in the Rain;魏尔伦《秋歌》与戴望舒《雨巷》之比较
2.The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great大伟人江奈生魏尔德传
3.Preface to Cromwell《〈克伦威尔〉序》
4.Aesthetic Nature(Shen Yun):From the Judgment of the Human Relationship Ethics in the Late Han Dynasty to the Art Work Figures Appreciation in the Wei & Jin Dynasties;神韵:从汉末人伦鉴识到魏晋人物品藻
5.Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement瓦格纳-米尔魏因重排反应
6.A Surfer, Explorer and Innovator--On Wei Minglun s Drama Creation;弄潮儿 探索者 革新家——试论魏明伦的戏剧创作
7.On Wei, Jing, Nan-Bei Dynasties Ethical Design & Practice;魏晋南北朝时期的伦理设计及其实施方案
8.On Wei Min Leng(?)s Remarkable Newly Collected Works On This Land;植根沃土的奇葩——魏明伦文集《巴山夜雨》研读
9.A Preface to Professor Wei Yi s Appreciation of Literature and Arts;从伦理学看文艺鉴赏──魏饴主编《文艺鉴赏学》序
10.Comment on Wei Wei's Paradox of Body, Daily Life and Narrative Ethics魏微的“异”:身体叙述、生活美学与叙事伦理
11.Humanizm and Materialism--the Design Ethic of Wei and Jin Dynasties“人化”与“物化”:魏晋南北朝时期的设计伦理
12.Leading poets have included Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, and Robert Lowell.第一流的诗人有弗洛斯特、魏廉斯、穆尔和洛厄尔。
13.On Trier's and Weisgerber's contribution to the linguistic field theory论特里尔和魏斯格贝尔对语言场理论的贡献
14.Geographical Study on "Quan Yu Mo Guo" and "Yu Mo Guo" in Pamirs at WeiJin Dynasty;魏晋时期帕米尔地区“权于摩国”和“于摩国”两国考
15.The Historic Status of Model of the Communicative Competence by Canale & Swain;卡内尔斯魏恩交际能力模式的历史地位
16.Lawrence OF BRINDISI, SAINT圣劳伦斯(布尔迪西的)
17.Allen-Moore diaphragm cell艾伦-穆尔隔膜电解池
18.TOLENTINO, Salvador C.萨尔瓦多·托伦蒂诺

Wei Minglun魏明伦
1.A Surfer, Explorer and Innovator--On Wei Minglun s Drama Creation;弄潮儿 探索者 革新家——试论魏明伦的戏剧创作
2.This paper analyzes Wei Minglun s dramas written in "new epoch" , 1978—2000 in China , from three lays and draws these conclusions.论文从三个层面上分析了魏明伦新时期剧作:从时间(时代)层面上,将魏明伦置于时代大背景来考察,得出“是时代造就了魏明伦”的结论:从空间(地域性)层面上,通过对魏明伦剧作的个性特色的较全面地分析,得出“是极富个性的川文化滋养了魏明伦”的结论;从创作主体层面上,通过对魏明伦的家庭、工作阅历、工作环境的初步综合,得出“机遇和禀赋是成就剧作家的外因,勤奋是成就剧作家内因”。
3)Thornton Wilder (1897~1975)魏尔德,T.
4)Helene Weigel (1900~1971)魏格尔,H.
5)Paul Verlaine (1844~1896)魏尔兰,P.
6)Albert Schweitzer (1875~1965)施魏策尔,A.

梅尔魏因试剂分子式:CAS号:性质:即四氟硼酸三乙钅翁(triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate)(C2H5)3O+BF4—易潮解的晶体。熔点92℃(分解)。溶于二氯甲烷。用无水乙醚、三氟化硼乙醚溶液及3-氯环氧丙烷制取。在有机合成中用作乙基化试剂,如分别与醇(ROH)、酚(ArOH)、羧酸(RCOOH)反应,则生成相应的乙基醚(ROC2H5或ArOC2H5)、乙酯(RCOOC2H5);与氨反应,生成二乙胺[(C2H5) ­N]的混合物。