1.The Comparison between Du Li-niang and Ophelia杜丽娘与奥菲利娅比较研究
2.The invisibility of Ophelia in critical texts seems to be in inverse relation to her visibility in paintings.虽然《哈姆雷特》中的奥菲利娅一直没有得到评论界的足够重视,但女性批评的发展为解读奥菲利娅提供了全新的视角。
3.In this play the plot develops according to two clues, of which the process of Hamlet s revenge is the major one while the development of love between Hamlet and Ophelia is subordinate.《哈姆雷特》戏剧情节的发展包含两条线索,主要线索是哈姆雷特的复仇过程,次要线索是哈姆雷特与奥菲利娅的爱情历程。

1.Why Ophelia committed suicide?所以奥菲利娅才自杀了。
2.On the Usefulness of EnglishYan Zhiqiang(89) Withered Love--On the Tragedy of Hamlet and Ophelia凋零的爱——论哈姆雷特与奥菲利娅的爱情悲剧
3.Two Angels with Disabled Soul:A Comparadve Study on Ophelia and ShenFengxi两个身着天使外衣的残疾灵魂:奥菲利娅和沈凤喜比较研究
4.Sophia has it all over Olivia in looks and charm.索菲娅的长相和魅力都胜过奥利维亚。
5.Sophie is not Italian. She is French.索菲娅不是意大利人。她是法国人。
6.Oppenheimer-Phillips process奥本海默-菲利浦斯过程
7.Oppenheimer-Phillips reaction奥本海默-菲利浦斯反应
8.Sophie, this is Hans.索菲娅,这位是汉斯。
9.understudy(the role of)Ophelia排练奥菲利亚(一角)当候补演员
10.Olivia at eighteen had an open, lively, commanding beauty到十八岁时,奥利维娅已成了一个开朗、活泼、神采动人的美女。
11.She gave a beautifully understated performance as Ophelia.她扮演奥菲利亚这一角色用低调处理, 恰如其分.
12.Nice to meet you.My name's Sophie.索菲娅:很高兴见到你。我的名字叫Sophie。
13.Sophia's invitation seemed too enticing to refuse.索菲娅的邀请太诱人,叫人难以拒绝。
14.Diaphenia like the spreading roses,黛尔菲妮娅像一朵盛开的玫瑰花,
15."Run for the doctor, Maggie," said Sophia."马吉,快去请医生来",索菲娅说。
16."Sophia, Living and Loving, Her Own Story"生活与爱情-苏菲娅·罗兰的自述
17." run for the doctor , Maggie , " said Sophia .“马吉,快去请医生来。”索菲娅说。
18.Mr.BLAKE: Sophie,Tis is Hans.布莱克先生:索菲娅,这位是汉斯。

1.An Archetypal Interpretation on Ophelia-Hamlet s Anima;原形分析对奥菲利亚的解读——“哈姆雷特的阿尼玛”(英文)
4)Fiorelli,Giuseppe (1823~1896)菲奥雷利,G.
5)Zofia Lisa卓菲娅.丽莎
6)Zofia Lissa卓菲娅·丽莎
1.Zofia Lissa is a famous Polish Musicologist in the 20th century.卓菲娅·丽莎(Zofia Lissa,1908。

娅姹1.形容娇娆多姿。 2.借指美女。 3.象声词。