1.The Environmental Factors that Greatly Affect the Characters and Life Decisions of Scarlet and Becky;影响斯佳丽与蓓基性格和人生选择的环境因素
2.The Interpretation of Becky in Vanity Fair from a Different Perspective;剖析《名利场》中蓓基的另一面
3.This paper aims to make an analysis of interactions among major social groups from the perspective of Becky.本文旨在从蓓基的角度出发分析主要社会群体之间的互动关系。

1."I intend to go," said Becky,"I'm on the staff."蓓基说道:“我也去,我是有职位的。”
2.At last Becky herself took compassion upon him, and tried to engage him in talk.后来还算蓓基发慈悲,对他说了几句话。
3.Becky laughed, though in rage and fury.蓓基心里虽然又气又怒,可是面上却带着笑。
4.This reply brought the earl in person to Becky's apartment.这一回答把伯爵本人给请到蓓基的房间里来了。
5.The Environmental Factors that Greatly Affect the Characters and Life Decisions of Scarlet and Becky;影响斯佳丽与蓓基性格和人生选择的环境因素
6.But it was when the ladies were alone that Becky knew the tug of war would come.蓓基很明白最激烈的斗争在男女宾客分开之后才真正开始。
7.Becky was just lecturing Mrs. Osborne upon the follies which her husband committing.蓓基正在对奥斯本太太训话,说她丈夫尽做糊涂事。
8.Becky's soul smelled with pride and delight at these honours, she saw fortune, fame, fashion before her.蓓基脸上这样光彩,眼见金钱、名誉、地位指日可待,心里说不尽的得意。
9.Whatever the previous portion of the evening had been, the rest of that night was a great triumph for Becky.不管前半个黄昏多么难堪,蓓基接下来大大的出了一场风头。
10.When Becky followed them to the table of drawings, they dropped off one by one to the fire again.蓓基跟到桌子那儿,她们又一个个的回到火炉旁边。
11.Mrs. Becky absolutely neglected her person, and did not even care for her reputation.蓓基太太对于自己完全不加爱惜,甚至于声名清白不清白也不在乎。
12.Chapter One analyzes Becky Sharp as thelively representative of the middle class.第一章分析蓓基·夏普的中产阶级代表的鲜活形象。
13.'If the worst comes to the worst', Becky thought, 'my retreat is secure; and I have a right-hand seat in the barouche. '蓓基想到:“逼到最后一条路,逃难是不怕的了,在他的大马车里,我稳稳的有一个位子了。”
14.'I mean a moral shepherd's dog', said Becky, laughing, and looking up at Lord Steyne.“我所说的看羊狗不过是比喻。”蓓基一面说,一面笑着抬头望望斯丹恩勋爵。
15.Frankness and kindness like amelia's were likely to touch ever such a hardened little reprobate as Becky爱米丽亚待人既诚恳、又好,所以连蓓基这样无情无义、自甘堕落的人也觉得感动。
16.The Symbolization and Demonstration of Dionysus Spirit: An Analysis to the Characterization of the Protagonist in Vanity Fair by Freudian Tripartite Model of Human Psyche;蓓基·夏泼:酒神精神的象征与彰显——《名利场》主人公性格塑造的心理人格解读
17.The Construction of a "Daughter" of the Victorian Society:a Probe into Becky Sharp s Characterization by Lacanian Psychoanalysis Theory;一位维多利亚社会之“女”的建构——从拉康心理分析理论试探蓓基·夏泼的性格形成
18.Waltzing Through a Masquerade: An Analysis of Interactions among Social Groups from the Perspective of Becky Sharp穿行于假面舞会:从蓓基的视角出发分析各社会群体之间的互动关系

Becky Sharp蓓基.夏泼
3)Becky Sharp蓓基·夏泼
1.Wang Xifeng and Becky Sharp are two chief female protagonists of Dreams of Red Chambers and Vanity Fair.王熙凤和蓓基·夏泼是《红楼梦》和《名利场》中两个主要的女性人物。
2.WANG Xi-feng and Becky Sharp are the two heroines of Dream in the Red Mansion of Red Chambers and Vanity Fair.从某种意义上说,王熙凤和蓓基·夏泼是一对孪生姊妹。
4)gallein hexadecyl ester蓓因十六烷基酯
1.Clinical observation of Jinbeibei on serum lead rising in children;金蓓贝治疗小儿血铅升高的临床观察
6)Huang Beijia黄蓓佳
1.On the Evolution of Feminine Awareness in the Novels of Huang Beijia;论黄蓓佳小说中女性意识的发展演变
2.As an distinguished woman writer in the new ear, Huang Beijia underwent dramatic changes in her novel from what is conveyed to the artistic creation.黄蓓佳作为新时期卓有成绩的女性作家,她的小说从思想到艺术创作,产生了很大的变化。

蓓豆碱分子式:CAS号:性质:又称蓓豆碱,四氢吡啶羧酸。六元杂环的非蛋白氨基酸,4,5-二羟基哌可酸的二个氢被取代的产物。存在于植物Baikiaea plurijuga等中。甲醇中棱状结晶,溶于水,微溶于乙醇,不溶于丙酮、乙醚、苯等。其盐酸盐呈棱晶(甲醇、乙醇中),熔点264℃。旋光度-90.1°(水)。其苦味酸盐水中针状或片状结晶,熔点172~173℃。本底 background (一)指非试样组分产生的质谱峰,即由仪器系统(器壁等)解析的物质、从不同来源漏入的物质、残留试样或色质联机中由色谱柱流失等因素产生的质谱峰。(二)系指无放射源时探测器测到的计数。构成本底的主要成分是:(1)宇宙线;(2)探测器周围材料的放射性;(3)电子学噪声;(4)环境放射性。