1.Su Shi\'s poems responding to Tao\'s highlighted man\'s unyielding,broad-minded character and plain and natural poem style who had come through a spirit adventure.但是,苏轼学陶而不囿于陶,他的和陶诗凸显了一个经过了精神历险之人不屈、旷达的性格特点和自然平淡的诗风。

1.refuse to take action,yield,etc不采取行动、不屈服等
2.bear up under affliction忍受苦难, 不屈不挠
3.the unbreakable spirit of the resistance不屈不挠的抵抗精神.
4.He is endowed with indomitable will.他有不屈不挠的意志。
5.having a proud and unbroken spirit.自豪的有不屈服的精神。
6.To suffer patiently without yielding.耐心地承受而不屈
7.They refused to knuckle under to any pressure.他们拒不屈从任何压力。
8.He was losing the fight but he would not submit.他战败了,但不屈服。
9.She refused to submit to his control.她不屈服于他的控制。
10.Sorry to have troubled you with all such inconvenience.对不起,委屈你了。
11.We will never bow the knee to fascism我们决不向法西斯屈膝(屈服)。
12.A condition in which the refractive power of one eye differs from that of the other.屈光参差,两眼屈光不等一只眼和另一只眼的屈光力不同的状况
13.anisometropia: a condition in which the refractive power of one eye differs from that of the other.屈光参差,两眼屈光不等: 一只眼和另一只眼的屈光力不同的状况。
14.He never crawls to his superiors.他对上司从不卑躬屈膝。
15.We refuse to knock under to any difficulty.我们不向任何困难屈服。
16.I'll never give in, she thought.我永远也不会屈服,她想。
17.She will not grovel to anyone.她不会向任何人屈服。
18.They yielded without resistance.他们不作抵抗就屈服了。

1.Be Firm,Persistent and Unyielding——On Talking about Li Qingzhao s Main Characteristic;坚毅刚健 不屈不挠——李清照个性支配性特征试析
3)refractive error屈光不正
1.Prevalence of refractive error in defined populations in rural and urban areas in Beijing;北京城乡限定区域人群屈光不正患病率调查
2.Study of the criteria of refractive error for the amblypia of preschool children学龄前儿童弱视的屈光不正临界值的研究
3.Residual refractive error in the range of±0.结论:LASIK手术对于矫正屈光不正是安全、有效的且并发症局限。
1.Simulation and correction experiment on eye ametropia——determination of focal distance(focal power) of thin lenses;眼睛屈光不正的模拟与矫正实验——薄透镜焦距(光焦度)的测定
2.Laser in situ Keratomileusis for Treatment of Ametropia after Cataract Extraction and Intraocular Lens Implantation;准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术矫治白内障人工晶体植入术后残存屈光不正的效果
3.VDT regards weary and the ametropia;视屏显示终端与视疲劳及屈光不正
5)refractive errors屈光不正
1.Accuracy of Zywave aberrometer in measurement of refractive errors;Zywave波前像差仪测量屈光不正的准确性研究
2.A Case-control study on risk factors of preschool children s refractive errors and amblyopia;学龄前儿童屈光不正和弱视危险因素的病例对照研究
3.Management of difficult refractive errors in teenagers with rigid gas-permeable contact lens;硬性透气性角膜接触镜矫正青少年复杂性屈光不正
1.MRI study on the surface area of occipital lobe in children with ametropic amblyopia;屈光不正性弱视儿童枕叶面积的磁共振成像研究
2.The Clinical Observation on the Children s Ametropic Amblyopia by Combination Therapy;儿童屈光不正性弱视综合治疗疗效观察
3.To analyze the refractive state of ambly opic (AMB) eye on c hildren and the relation between its and AMB degree Methods: We optometried at the cycloplegia state on 161 patients (263 eyes) and recorded their ametropic (A ME) type, diopter, antimetropia, fixation character and AMB degree Then we ana l yzed the refractive state and AMB degree with the statistical analysis Results: In 263eyes, 25.方法:对161例263眼在睫状肌麻痹状态下的验光结果,按屈光不正类型、屈光度、屈光参差、注视性质、弱视程度进行记录,应用统计学进行屈光状态及其与弱视程度进行分析。
