1.An Analysis on Mothers' Killing Their Own Children in Medea,The Good Earth,Beloved一曲女性的悲歌——《美狄亚》、《大地》、《宠儿》中母亲弑婴现象分析
2.Demonstration and Ignorance of Human Nature: A Comparison of the Revenge Psychologies in Medea and The Orphan of Chao从《美狄亚》与《赵氏孤儿》的复仇心理刻画看中西文化传统

1.Reinterpretation of Medea;希腊悲剧《美狄亚》复仇的心理探源
2.Medea,a Soul Tragedy of Ancient Greek Women;古希腊妇女心灵的悲剧——《美狄亚》
3.The Modern Awareness in Euripides "Medea";浅析欧里比得斯《美狄亚》中的现代意识
4.The Conflict between Humanity and Ethics in Medea and Biogrophy of Yingying;论《美狄亚》、《莺莺传》中人性与伦理的冲突
5.A comparative study in the western tragedy "Medea" and the Chinese "Chao s Orphan;中西悲剧《美狄亚》与《赵氏孤儿》比较研究
6.The Oaths and Vengeance:An Interpretation of Medea盟誓与复仇:《美狄亚》的一个解读
7.The vcngcance formation in Medea belongs to that of love sctback.《美狄亚》的复仇形态类型属于爱情遇挫式复仇。
8.An Analysis on the Beauty and Ugliness of Human Nature in Medea;光明与黑暗:人性的两面性——从《美狄亚》说起
9.On the Inheritance and Innovation of the Narrative and Lyrical Function the Chorus of in Medea;论《美狄亚》对歌队叙事与抒情功能的革新
10.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄克州美国人
12.On the behavior of abandoned woman Medea from the Chinese and Greece ethical culture;从中、希伦理文化看弃妇美狄亚之行为
13.The effect of social environment and the special character of Medea cause the vindictiveness.社会环境的影响及美狄亚作为个体的特殊性是美狄亚复仇心理形成的基本要素。
14.Gudrun, for example, is only a Norse Medea.例如,古德龙就是希腊美狄亚的北欧翻版。
15.A comparison of love tragedy between Madia and Carmen两朵不谢的“恶之花”——美狄亚与卡门爱情悲剧比较
16.Medea and Zhao Wuniang: A Comparison of the Images of Abandoned Women in Chinese and Western Literature;美狄亚与赵五娘——中西方文学弃妇形象比较
17.Medea s Identity: Politics and Theology in Pindar s Poetics;从“美狄亚的身份”看品达诗歌的政治与神学
18.From Self-saving to Self-destroying--Analysis of female tragedy of Media and Cao Qiqiao;从自救到自灭——美狄亚与曹七巧的女性悲剧解析

1.On Image of Deserted Wife Through Analyzing Medea and Liu Lan-zhi;从美狄亚、刘兰芝看中外弃妇形象
2.The formidable attachment——A new theory about the character image of Medea;强大的依附者——美狄亚形象新论
3.Image Analysis for Medea,Fedel and Fanyi;美狄亚、费德尔与蘩漪形象比较
1.From Self-saving to Self-destroying——Analysis of female tragedy of Media and Cao Qiqiao;从自救到自灭——美狄亚与曹七巧的女性悲剧解析
2.Media-struggling with the constriction of the power of man;美狄亚,对男权压迫的绝望抗争
3.Self-smashing of the Shackles-A Comparative Study between Media and Qin Xianglian;美狄亚与秦香莲形象比较
4)Medea archetype美狄亚原型
1.Through applying the Archetypal Criticism and Feminism Criticism to the illustration of The Crucible by Arthur Miller,this paper aims to show that the play employs the Medea archetype in the characterization and structure,that Abigail and Medea are both the victim of the male-dominated so.西方文学史上最著名的狂暴女性是美狄亚,《萨勒姆的女巫》在人物层面和结构单位上都运用了美狄亚原型。
5)Medea's revengeful action美狄亚复仇
6)the image of Medea美狄亚形象

《美狄亚》  见欧里庇得斯。