
1.To send in one 's claim for compensation提出索赔,要求索
2.Analysis of the unstressed length of catenary with known stressed length or end tension force已知索端预张力或预应力求索原长的求解技术
3.Cargo survey and find below standard filing claim货品检验后发现不合标准,故请求索赔。
4.The livelihood does not cease after the world, the journey seekswithout limits.日月经天地不停息,征程求索无止境。
5.I see no ending, yet high and low I’ll search with my will unbending.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索
6."The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I will search with my will unbending"路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索
7.She cut at the rope in an attempt to free herself.她割绳索以求脱身.
8.Inverse analysis method for calculating cable tension based on controlling the initial length of cables控制索原长求解索张拉力的反分析法
9.To ponder over a problem in an effort to solve or understand it.苦思,思索求解思索某问题以解决或理解它
10.Calculation of Unstressed Length and Reasonable Determination of Finished Length of Stay Cable斜拉索无应力长度求解及成品索长合理确定
11.The claim of a mortgagee upon mortgaged property.债权,要求权索回被抵押财产的抵押权的请求
12.We regret our inability to accommodate your claim.很抱歉我们不能接受你方的索赔要求。
13.sometimes it only encourages them to take much more than they are offered.有时只会鼓励他们索求无度。
14.We may consider withdrawing the claim.我们可以考虑撤回索赔要求。
15.We are not in a position to entertain your claim.我们不能接受你们提出的索赔要求。
16.present false claims to an insurance company向保险公司提出伪造的索赔要求.
17.The request to connect to the data retrieval service has timed out.连接数据检索服务的请求已超时。
18.action in trover请求追索非法占用的诉讼

reverse exploration反向求索
3)searching solving搜索求解
4)searching need搜索要求
5)unswerving exploration矢志求索
6)the combination of knowledge and action求训索旨

求索1.寻找;搜寻。 2.索取;乞求。 3.探索。