1.Mary Carson in The Thorn Birds can be regarded as a "witch" under traditional patriarchy.卡森是传统父权制文本中常见的"妖妇"角色。

1.Image Changes of Carrier: from a Degenerate Woman to a New Woman;从妖妇到新女性——试析嘉莉形象之变迁
2.Angels and Enchantress On the Two Feminine Images in War and Peace;天使与妖妇——谈《战争与和平》中的两类女性形象
3.Circe or What Else?--Analysis of the Female Characters in Fitzgerald s Writings;妖妇还是其他?——析菲茨杰拉德笔下的女性人物
4.Image Between the Angel and the Wicked Woman--Explanation of Feminism of the Character of Jane Eyre;在“天使”与“妖妇”之间——简爱形象的女性主义解读
5.Angels or Devils-On Images of Female in the Texts of Male Authors;天使与妖妇——男性文本中的女性形象解读
6.Angel and Enchantress--Criticism on Female Images in The Garden of Wistaria;天使与妖妇——《紫藤花园》女性形象批评话语
7."My lord: I wipe the slate as far as the witchcraft goes. None the less, we must burn the woman."大人,那女人是不是妖妇,我不管,我们仍然得把她烧死。
8.Women are like samson and delilah are rolled into one.女人就像是大力士参孙和迷惑他的妖妇黛丽拉的合体。
9.He vowed revenge against those unnatural hags, and to make examples of them that should be a terror to the earth!他发誓要向那些无人性的妖妇报仇,要她们遭到全世界都震惊的报应。
10.She was held in awe by the whole realm, for she had made everybody believe she was a great sorceress.她这人是全国的人没一个不惧怕的,她早已使人人都相信她是个神通广大的妖妇了。
11.President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope.对痛苦之现实,我们常视而不见,反而选择倾听那妖妇的说唱,直到被她变成野兽为止。
12.The young lady's hair-style, seductive, yet pure, is very attractive.妖艳却又不失纯真的少妇发式,十分引人注目。
13.From Goddess to sexy Monster--A Simple anlysis of the secret of the chanaging of rural women image the contemprorouy Literature;从“女神”到“性妖”——浅析当代文学中农村妇女形象嬗变的根源
14.This Madame Thenardier was a sandy-complexioned woman, thin and angular-- the type of the soldier's wife in all its unpleasantness;这位德纳第妈妈是个赤发、多肉、呼吸滞塞的妇人,是个典型的装妖作怪的母老虎。
15.Be a monster, grandfather!爷爷,你装个妖怪!
16." Royal child," the sprite begged."王子!"妖怪乞求道。
17.Moved across the dimly lit stage with elfin grace.以妖里妖气的步态穿过昏暗的舞台
18.E: Being a devil is the same as being a human. You should be kind. If you are kind, you are not a devil, you are hybrid.做妖就像做人一样,要有仁慈的心。有了仁慈的心就不再是妖,是人妖。

1.From feminist perspective,this paper takes western literature as example to analyze the three images of females in the writings of males in a male chauvinism society: angel-type,enchantress-type and devil-type,and explains the reflection of male chauvinism in literature.从女性主义的角度,以西方传统文学为例,分析男权社会中男性作家笔下的女性形象的3种类型:“天使型”、“妖妇型”和“恶魔型”,说明这3种类型是男权心态在文学中的折射。
3)devil Images妖妇形象
4)Angel and Lamia天使与妖妇
5)painted Jezebel浓妆艳抹的妖妇
6)Angels vs. Monsters Dichotomy天使与妖妇二分法
