1.A Comparison on Luotuo Xiangzi and Job;《骆驼祥子》与《约伯记》比较分析
2.Under the influence and revelation of Job, Mu examines the agonies the individuals suffered from and chaotic existential situations they were in from divine views, and he regards these suffering experience and chaotic existential state as the truth of faith.在《约伯记》的影响和启示下,穆旦以神性的眼光来看待个体生命在社会历史境域中遭遇到的痛苦与混乱,使之变成了信仰领域中的真理,从而超越了现代启蒙思想的桎梏,超越了同时代人,为个体生命拓展出了一片全新的生存空间。

1.The Book of Job: A Poetic and Dramatic Story;《约伯记》:独特的“诗歌戏剧”文学现象
2.A Comparison on Luotuo Xiangzi and Job;《骆驼祥子》与《约伯记》比较分析
3.The judge of justice:a re-comparison of the themes in Lisao and the Book of Job公义的审判:《离骚》与《约伯记》主题再比较
4.Several Similarities and Differences Between the Tragedies in Job of the Old Testament in Bible and the Ancient Greek Tragedy;从百叶窗射进的悲剧性——《约伯记》中的悲剧成分与古希腊悲剧的几点异同
5.He cleaveth my reinsasunder.(Job 16:13)他破裂我的肺腑 (约伯记第16章第13节) 。
6.Relation and Variation of Humane Spirit in Faust and The Book of Job , Bible;《浮士德》与《圣经·约伯记》中人文精神的联系和变异
7.In the New Testament, the mother of John the Baptist and a kinswoman of Mary.以利沙伯新约全书记载的施洗约翰的母亲,是圣母玛丽亚的亲戚
8."Then I will keep in mind the agreement which I made with Jacob and with Isaac and with abraham, and I will keep in mind the land."我就要记念我与雅各所立的约,与以撒所立的约,与亚伯拉罕所立的约,并要记念这地。
9.The brother of Moses; the first high priest of the Hebrews (Exodus 4:13-16)【圣】亚伦(摩西之兄);希伯来第一祭司长(见旧约出埃及记4:13-16)。
10.and at the sound of their weeping the agreement which God had made with abraham and Isaac and Jacob came to his mind.神听见他们的哀声,就记念他与亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各所立的约。
11."and there came out to him Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah, who was over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah, the son of asaph, the recorder."于是希勒家的儿子家宰以利亚敬,并书记舍伯那,和亚萨的儿子史官约亚,出来见拉伯沙基。
12.Then came forth unto him Eliakim, Hilkiah's son, which was over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah, Asaph's son, the recorder.赛36:3于是希勒家的儿子家宰以利亚敬、书记舍伯那、亚萨的儿子史官约亚、来见拉伯沙基。
13.So both Joseph and Mary went together all the way from Nazareth to Bethlehem in order to register their names.因此约瑟夫和玛丽亚两人必须千里迢迢地由拿撒勒回到伯利恒去登记他们的名字。
14.Robert Caro won a Pulitzer Prize for his third book about former President Lyndon Johnson.罗伯特?卡罗则凭借他第三部描写前任总统林登?约翰逊的传记获得了一项普利策奖。
15."and of the sons of Issachar: Tola and Puah, Jashub and Shimron, four."以萨迦的儿子是陀拉,普瓦,雅述(雅述创世记第四十六章十三节作约伯),伸仑,共四人。
16.In the Old Testament, a Hebrew prophet who was chosen by Elijah to be his successor.以利沙旧约全书中记载的一个希伯来预言家,以利亚选为他的继承人
17.The reading is Job 33, and the object of this exhortation is to try to get our Brethren and Sisters to be more ready to hear than to speak.读经是约伯记第33章,这个告诫的目标是试图让我们的兄弟姐妹更准备听而不是说。
18.Union des Journalistes arabes阿拉伯新闻记者联盟

3)Job of the Old Testament in Bible《圣经·约伯记》
1.The book Job of the Old Testament in Bible has prof ound history origin with the ancient Greek tragedy.《圣经·约伯记》与古希腊悲剧有着深刻的历史渊源 ,其虽不是真正意义上的悲剧 ,但是具有天然的和从古希腊悲剧中继承来的悲剧成分。
1.Job and Ivan;约伯和伊凡——从《圣经》视野解读西方文学系列论文之四
2.Kant-Job s Comforter ——Kant on Nature;康德:约伯的安慰者——康德论自然
3.On the Significance of the Effect of Job s Character Upon the Change of the Ideas About Crime and Punishment;约伯性格对罪与罚理念转换的意义
5)John W. Burton约翰 伯顿
6)John Berger约翰·伯格
1.John Berger is a storyteller, essayist, novelist, screenwriter, dramatist and art critic.约翰·伯格,当代英国艺术批评家、小说家、剧作家、画家。

夜游宫 记梦寄师伯浑【诗文】:雪晓清笳乱起,梦游处、不知何地?铁骑无声望似水。想关河,雁门西,青海际。睡觉寒灯里,漏声断、月斜窗纸。自许封候在万里。有谁知?鬓虽残,心未死。【注释】:【注释】:陆游有大量抒发爱国主义激情的记梦诗,在词作里也有 。这首《夜游宫》,主题正是这样。师伯浑是陆游认为很有本事的人 ,是他在四川交上的新朋友,够得上是同心同调,所以陆游把这首记梦词寄给他看。上片写的是梦境。一开头就渲染了一幅有声有色的关塞风光画面:雪、笳、铁骑等都是特定的北方事物,放在秋声乱起和如水奔泻的动态中写,有力地把读者吸引到作者的词境里来。让读者一下子把联想融于作者的描绘之中 。 中间突出一句点明这是梦游所在。先说是迷离惝恍的梦,不知道这是什么地方;然后才又进一步引出联想——是在梦中的联想;这样的关河,必然是雁门、青海一带了。这里,是单举两个地方以代表广阔的西北领土。但是,这样苍莽雄伟的关河如今落在谁的手里呢?那就不忍说了。那作者为何有这样的“梦游”呢?只因王师还未北定中原,收复故土。这压着作者的心病,迟迟未能解除。作者深厚的爱国感情,凝聚在短短的九个字中,给人以非恢复河山不可的激励,从而过渡到下片。下片写梦醒后的感想。一灯荧荧,斜月在窗,漏声滴断,周围一片死寂。黑夜因作者的心事变得悲凉,而冷落的环境,又反衬出作者报国雄心的火焰却在熊熊燃烧 。自许封候万里之外的信念,是何等地执着。人老而心不死,自己虽然离开南郑前线回到后方,可是始终不忘要继续参加抗金事业。“王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁”,即使是死了,也念念不忘收复故土。如此爱国热情,是多么伟大 !“有谁知”三字,表现了作者对朝廷排斥爱国者的行径的愤怒谴责。梦境和实感,上下片呵成一气,有机地融为一体,使五十七字中的笔调,具有壮阔的境界和教育人们为国献身的思想内涵。【出处】: