2)The Special Opinion from Looking on the Mainstream旁观与偏见
3)a jaundiced viewpoint有偏见的观点

1.looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation; takes a jaundiced view of societies and clubs.用有偏见的眼光看着管辖范围的扩大;对社交和俱乐部有一种有偏见的观点
2.free from undue bias or preconceived opinions.没有不适当的偏见或者预先的观点。
3.Bitterness gave his outlook a peculiar warp.怨恨使他的观点带有一种古怪的偏见。
4.a jaundiced mind, opinion, outlook, etc有偏见的思想、 看法、 观点等
5.Marked by or showing bias; discriminatory."具有偏见特点的,表现出偏见的;歧视的"
6.a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own.一个怀有偏见,不能接受与自己观点相左的意见的人。
7.His political views have a savour of fanaticism.他的政治观点有些偏激.
8.He takes wide views.他(心胸)无偏见[采取开通的观点]。
9.Idea 1: Secular inflation bias in the US观点1:美国的长期通货膨胀偏见
10.(of an idea or opinion) formed beforehand; especially without evidence or through prejudice: certain preconceived notions.(意见或观点)提前形成的;尤指没有依据或有偏见的:某一先入为主的意见。
11.Ethical relativists deny the possibility of objectivity, arguing that biases inevitably arise from the subjective perspective of each person.伦理相对主义者否认客观的存在,认为每个人的观点都有主观性,偏见的存在是难以避免的。
12.Their comments smack of racism.他们的评论有点种族偏见的味道.
13.In my opinion, both views are lop-sided.在我看来,两方面的观点都有失偏颇。
14.an informed public; informed opinion; the informed customer.有见识的大众;有见识的观点;见多识广的消费者。
15.To dwell purely in ethics is insufficient. We use the research of other fields to critique our own prejudices.光依靠伦理观点是不够的,我们需要其他领域的研究来批判自己所持有的偏见。
16.Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views.见识短浅的;偏狭的以思想、观念或观点狭隘为特征的
17.have a prejudice against [in favor of]...对…有偏见 [偏爱]
18.slovenly inconsiderate reasoning; unconsidered words; prejudice is the holding of unconsidered opinions.懒散的轻率的推理;轻率的言辞;欠考虑的观点是偏见的支撑。

The Special Opinion from Looking on the Mainstream旁观与偏见
3)a jaundiced viewpoint有偏见的观点
1.Understanding the view of prejudice and the scientific definition of catagory;梳理诠释学的偏见观 正视范畴的科学界定
2.Language prejudice and language equal——Viewing on good and bad of language from Language:An Introduction to the Study of Speech written by Edward·Sapir;语言偏见和语言平等——从爱德华·萨皮尔《语言论—言语研究导论》看语言的优劣观
3.Review on Domestic and overseas Researches of Prejudice;国内外民族偏见理论及研究现状
1.This paper exposes the truth of bias existing in the communication.文章揭示了传播中存在的偏见;利用媒介素养教育的有关理论开展了对传播偏见的解读和批判,从而帮助受众认清传媒,准确判断现实环境,发展自我。
2.Based on the notions of Gadamer s philosophical hermeneutics——historical interpretation and the biased conception,this paper analyzes that,as an interpreter,the translator s creative treason against the original is an objective phenomenon with its rational and unavoidable qualities,and points out that the translator s subjectivity should be emphasized.本文从伽达默尔哲学阐释学理解的历史性和偏见观的概念着手,分析在翻译活动中作为阐释者的译者对原作的创造性叛逆这一客观现象的合理性和不可避免性,指出译者的主体性应得到重视。
3.Bias in justice can be divided into appropriate bias and inappropriate bias,both of which will have an influence on the judicial process.偏见在司法中可以分为正当的司法偏见与不正当的司法偏见,两种偏见都会对司法过程产生一定影响。
6)Favorable prejudice or bias.偏袒或偏见
