1.Since the new period,History of Foreign Literature textbook compiling exists following questions: non-historicized,dislocation with critical history writing,lack of comparative literature scientific consciousness,lack of theory refining and promoting.新时期以来,我国外国文学史教材编写中普遍存在以下问题:非历史化、与批评史写作脱节、缺乏学科自我反思意识、缺乏比较文学学科意识、缺乏理论的提炼与升华。
1.The newcentury has witnessed a non-historical tendency of poetry writing with the trend of"expression of everyday life" kept in the foreground.新世纪以来,诗歌发展出现了非历史化倾向,"表达日常生活"成为新的权势话语。
3)Non-historical Living生存非历史化

1.The Necessities to study The Chinese History on the No-History Departments in Colleges;高校非历史专业开设中国通史的必要性
2.Social science is nothing but history.社会科学无非是历史。
3.Pi Xi-rui s Jingxue Lishi was not a Book on the History of Confucius Classics;皮锡瑞《经学历史》并非经学史著作
4.Non-fiction: Lyrical Historical Novel--On History of the Soul from the Perspective of Stylistics;非虚构——抒情历史小说——《心灵史》文体论
5.Who Can Settle the Disputes in Annals of History──On Historical Merits of Song Qiqiu;青史凭谁定是非——评宋齐丘的历史功过
6.Narrative,Text,Memory and History;叙事·文本·记忆·历史——论格非小说中的历史哲学、历史诗学及其启示
7.The Deformation of History and the History of Deformation --The Interpretation of the Structure Meaning to Against Aggression;历史的变形与变形的历史——浅析《非攻》的结构语义
8.On the dialectic nature of Marxist historical determinism;论马克思主义历史决定论的辩证性质——兼驳历史非决定论对历史决定论的非难
9.Such preeminence wasn't always the way.墨尔本以往的历史并非如此显赫。
10.I prefer some historical sites, such as very ancient remains.我想看些历史古迹,像非常古老的遗迹。
11.History shows that wars are divided into two kinds, just and unjust历史上的战争分为正义和非正义两类。
12.So a history education is useful.因此,接受历史课的教育是非常有用的。
13.The author begins by referring to the early history of Africa.作者在开头提了一下非洲的早期历史。
14.Mary is a passionate student of nineteenth century history.玛丽对于学习19世纪的历史非常热衷。
15.The Historical Connotations and Mordern Meaning of Han Fei s "Fa";韩非子“法”的历史内涵及其现代意义
16.Effect of Non-intelligent Factor in History Teaching of Middle School;非智力因素在中学历史教学中的作用
17.On the Changes of Japanese Non-traditional Insurance Industry and their Revelations for China;日本非传统保险发展历史变迁及启示
18.Intangible Heritage and the Protection of Historical and Cultural City;非物质文化遗产与历史文化名城活性

1.The newcentury has witnessed a non-historical tendency of poetry writing with the trend of"expression of everyday life" kept in the foreground.新世纪以来,诗歌发展出现了非历史化倾向,"表达日常生活"成为新的权势话语。
3)Non-historical Living生存非历史化
5)non-conception of history非历史观
6)principle of historicism and end-result非模式化历史原则

非应非化【非应非化】  谓佛法、报二身,非属应、化,是名非应非化。