
1."To annoy, torment, or harass."使人苦恼、气恼或受折磨
2.expressing pain or agony.表现出痛苦或苦恼的。
3.The act of annoying, irritating, or vexing.烦恼、苦恼令人烦恼、生气或烦乱的行为
4.A condition of pain, suffering, or distress.苦恼,痛苦痛苦、受难或悲伤的状况
5.It's nothing to get upset about.没有什么可苦恼的。
6.something that causes great unhappiness.制造极大苦恼的东西。
7.The unhappy woman shuddered.那苦恼的妇人大吃一惊。
8.She was troubled with poor health.她因健康不佳而苦恼
9.His misfortune preys upon his mind.他的不幸使她心中苦恼
10.Be a great distress to sB使某人深感苦恼的事
11.What troubles me is that...使我感到苦恼的是...
12.His loss preyed upon his mind.他的损失使他心中苦恼
13.To disturb, interfere with, or annoy.妨害、干涉或使苦恼
14.It was to be a thorn in the side of the Dutch.它将是荷兰人的苦恼
15.She is greatly afflicted by the loss of her child.失去孩子使她很苦恼
16.But the letter dismayed him, too.但这封信也使他苦恼
17.Nobody guessed his trouble.没有人猜得到他的苦恼
18.Her son's illness distresses her very much.她儿子的病使她很苦恼

1.A Brief Comparative Remark on Misery and Blessing;《苦恼》与《祝福》比较略论
2.A Comparison between Misery by Chekhov and ZHU FU by LU Xun;一样孤苦 两种诉说——契诃夫《苦恼》与鲁迅《祝福》之比较
4)Suffering or distress.痛苦或苦恼
5)Consciousness of Agony苦恼意识
6)interpersonal distress人际苦恼

苦恼【苦恼】 (术语)生死海之法,总为苦我恼我者,一无安稳之自性。无量寿经下曰:“贪恚愚痴,苦恼之患。”