1.Thrift, neither like extravagance, nor like parsimony, is a doctrine of the mean.俭是一种中道 ,既不同于奢侈 ,又不能归结为吝啬

1.The quality or state of being selfish or stingy.自私,吝啬自私或吝啬的品质或状况
2.This man is very mean and famous for his meanness.这人很吝啬,也因吝啬而出名。
3.To be thrifty or miserly.吝啬的过于节俭或吝啬
4.a skimpily dressed woman.一个穿着吝啬的女人。
5.But as he was a miserly person,可他是一个很吝啬的人,
6.Father was stingy with his tips.父亲手头吝啬得很。
7.This in no sense is due to meanness.这绝不是出于吝啬
8.In money matters, he was not petty.在金钱上,他并不吝啬
9.Ungenerous, mean, or stingy.吝啬的,小气的,低下的
10.He is mean and respects nothing but power.他吝啬、对权力顶礼膜拜,
11.in a mean and ungenerous manner.以吝啬、小气的方式。
12.He's petty sneak thief.他是个吝啬的小偷。
13.Being thrifty is not the same as being a miser .节俭和吝啬是不同的。
14.remonstrate (to [with] a person) that he is too stingy对某人劝谏说他太吝啬
15.Burl lves was not mean.伯尔?艾夫斯不吝啬
16.The old scrooge was mad about making money.老吝啬鬼疯狂于赚钱。
17.Is Fred an old screw?弗雷德是个吝啬鬼吗?
18.are you saying he's a cheapskate?你是说他是个吝啬鬼?

1.In the literature works since the Song and Yuan, Dynasties there has been greatly appearing the imagine of misers,Which is closely related with the dewelopment of feudual economy in cities and the growth of city-resident stractum.吝啬者的形象是在宋元以来的文学作品中开始大量出现的。
3)Parsimonious spectrum吝啬谱
4)parsimonious transformation吝啬变换
1.Though Moliere and Zheng Tingyu lived in different countries and times,they described niggard images by sarcastic comedy without prior consultation.运用相似的技巧 ,塑造了各自心目中的吝啬鬼形象 ,给人们带来丰富的艺术享受 ,也带来了永远的理性思考。
6)skin a flint极吝啬
