1.Though Moliere and Zheng Tingyu lived in different countries and times,they described niggard images by sarcastic comedy without prior consultation.运用相似的技巧 ,塑造了各自心目中的吝啬鬼形象 ,给人们带来丰富的艺术享受 ,也带来了永远的理性思考。

1.The old scrooge was mad about making money.老吝啬鬼疯狂于赚钱。
2.Is Fred an old screw?弗雷德是个吝啬鬼吗?
3.are you saying he's a cheapskate?你是说他是个吝啬鬼?
4.He is a precious miser.他是个十足的吝啬鬼
5.He was a miser -and how!他是吝啬鬼--可不是吗!
6.Give me some more, you meanie!再给我点儿, 你这吝啬鬼!
7.His grandfather was a miser.他爷爷是个吝啬鬼
8.Tis the counsel of an avaricious man to beggars.那种说法是吝啬鬼对穷鬼的劝告。
9."The Cheapskates"in the Visual Field of Chinese and Western Culture--Comparing Yan Jiansheng with Cheapskates in the Europe Literary World;中西文化视野下的“吝啬鬼”——严监生与欧洲吝啬鬼形象之比较
10.Bless her from marrying a miser.上天保佑她不要和一个吝啬鬼结婚。
11.He's changed into a perfect miser.他已变成了一个十足的吝啬鬼
12.Miser: A person who lives poor so that he can die rich.吝啬鬼:过穷日子以求死后富有的人。
13.Charles is a cheap guy!He wanted me to buy him lunch!查理是个吝啬鬼!他想我请他吃午饭!
14.A woman does not like a miser. So do not be stingy.女人不喜欢吝啬鬼,所以不要小气。
15.The Boss in the company is a miser,chasing eight and quarters.这公司的老板是个追求名利的吝啬鬼
16.The ruling passion of them miser is the love of money.吝啬鬼最强烈的情感就是爱财。
17.The miser was untouched by the poor man's story.那吝啬鬼对那穷人的叙述无动于衷。
18.`A generous miser' is a contradiction in terms.`慷慨的吝啬鬼'在用词上自相矛盾.

A malicious or petty person.刻薄鬼,吝啬鬼
3)A stingy, grasping person;a miser.吝啬的人;小气鬼
4)a stingy person吝啬鬼,小气的人
5)A skinflint worships money.吝啬鬼崇拜金钱。
6)a grasping miser贪婪的吝啬鬼
