1.Diana,Goddess of the moon,is culturally characterized by her rich symbolic connotations as well as her unique gender identity and distinctive origin.狄安娜——西方文化中的月亮女神,其文化特征不仅表现在其性别形象的唯一性、起源环境的独特性,而且表现在其意蕴象征的丰富性方面。

1.After this he dwelt as a hunter with Diana, with whom he was a favorite, and it is even said she was about to marry him.自此以后,他就做了狄安娜的一名猎手,颇得狄安娜的宠爱,据说狄安娜甚至要嫁给他。
2.Diana had been brought up under the counsels of a prudent mother狄安娜是在一位贤惠的母亲管教下长大的。
3.The statue of Dianna at Ephesus was made of wood and was believed to have been of miraculous origin.据信,在埃弗塞斯的狄安娜木制雕像也有着非凡的来历。
4.Cerimon placed her in the temple of Diana, where she passed her days in the most devout exercises of those times.萨利蒙把她安顿到狄安娜的神宙里,她照当时的规矩成天十分虔诚地修行。
5.Romeo: Well, in that hit you miss; she's not be hit with Cupid's arrow? she has Diana's wit.(你这一箭就射岔了。丘比特的金箭不能射中她的心,她有狄安娜女神的圣洁。
6.His dream was, that Diana, the goddess of the Ephesians, appeared to him, and commanded him to go to her temple at Ephesus他梦见以弗所的女神狄安娜在他面前显圣,命令他到以弗所她的神庙去。
7.Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana.罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。
8.Apollo was the god of the sun, music, poetry and prophecy, while his twin sister Artemis(Diana) was the goddess of the moon and the chase.太阳神阿波罗主管音乐、诗歌和预言,而他的孪生妹妹阿耳忒弥斯(狄安娜)则是月亮和狩猎女神。
9.Tragedies Deconstructed:On Ann-Marie MacDonald s Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet);悲剧的瓦解——诠释《晚安,苔丝狄蒙娜(早安,朱丽叶)》
10.The Overthrowing of Rationalism──An Interpretation of Goodnight Desdemona in Foucault’s Theoretical Frame;理性主义霸权的颠覆——福柯哲学下解读《晚安,苔丝狄蒙娜》
11.Anna, Carmen, Diana, Jessie, Jean,安娜、卡门、戴安娜、杰茜、琼、
12.Anna, Falana, Banana, Bandana, Montana...管他是安娜、花娜还是芭娜娜……
13.Rediscussion on the Significance of Ann Kalenina;《安娜·卡列尼娜》中安娜形象再析
14.Desdemona. Why, stay, and hear me speak.苔丝狄蒙娜啊,等一等,听我说。
15.Desdemona. My lord, what is your will?苔丝狄蒙娜我的主,您有什麽吩咐?
16.Desdemona. What horrible fancy's this?苔丝狄蒙娜这是什麽古怪的念头?
17.Desdemona. Why do you speak so startingly and rash?苔丝狄蒙娜您为什麽说得这样暴躁?
18.Duke of Venice. What would You, Desdemona?公爵你有什麽请求,苔丝狄蒙娜?

1.A Look into Desdemona s Tragedy from the Conversational Cooperative Principle;从会话的合作原则看苔丝狄蒙娜的悲剧
2.From A New Woman to A Victim——An Analysis of the Image of Desdemona;从新女性到牺牲品——苔丝狄蒙娜形象试析
3.Death of Desdemona and Christianity;苔丝狄蒙娜之死与基督教
1.The Comparision Between Tragedy of Anna and Mrs.Baofali;安娜与包法利夫人的爱情悲剧比较
2.From the Relationships of Id,Ego and Superego to the Relationships of Anna,Vronsky and Karenin;自我、本我和超我的人格结构——评安娜、渥伦斯基和卡列宁的三角关系
3.Two Free Female with Pursuit of True Love——On the Image Analysis of Anna and Connie;两位追求真爱的自由女性——安娜与康妮的形象分析
4)Ana's tragedy安娜悲剧
5)ANNA satellite安娜卫星

狄安娜  古罗马神话中的月神、狩猎女神。参见阿尔忒弥斯。