1.The Reception of Historical Novels by Mahafuz in the English World: A Post-colonial Perspective;从后殖民视角看马哈福兹历史小说在英语世界的接受

1.The Reception of Historical Novels by Mahafuz in the English World: A Post-colonial Perspective;从后殖民视角看马哈福兹历史小说在英语世界的接受
2.A Comparison between Mahfouz s and Bajin s Family Novels in the Context of Pre-figurative Culture and Post-figurative Culture;前后喻文化视域中马哈福兹与巴金的家族小说之比较
3.The Garrulous Talk on the Nile--The Spiritual Connotation of Najib Mahafuz s TRILOGY;尼罗河上的絮语——纳吉布·马哈福兹《三部曲》的精神内核
4.Rose El Youssef《鲁兹 优素福》周刊
5.Harry Potter: Give me here, Malfoy. Or knock you off your broom!哈利·特:给我,马尔福。不然我就把你踢下扫帚!
6.The saucy little girl from Hartford promptly corrected his idea.活泼爽直的哈特福德姑娘马上修正他的主张。
7.A Comparative Study of the Thought of Power Creativity between Foucault and Habermas;福柯和哈贝马斯权力创造性思想的比较
8.Hakham Ezra Hamawi was the Dayan, head of the court of the Jewish community in Aram Zova in those days.哈卡姆·伊兹拉·哈马威就是智者,是那个年代阿拉姆琐瓦犹太社区法庭的庭长。
9.The purely white hada means the auspicion and happiness,the mellow horse-milk wine sends the peace and health.洁白的哈达敬献吉祥美满,醇香的马奶酒赐福幸福安康。
10.Hardy LandsdownePersonnel Dept.人事部哈代·朗兹道恩
11.A centaur called Firenze features as a teacher at Hogwarts School in the latest book, Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix.一位半人马叫佛冷翠的在第五集里”哈利波特和凤凰会的密令”里是霍格华兹的老师。
12.Forsyth-Edwards Notation(FEN)福斯夫-爱德华兹记录法
13.Both Fox, 59, and Sahagun, 49, are divorced and Roman Catholic.福克斯现年59岁,萨哈冈49岁。 两人均曾离异并同是罗马天主教徒。
14.Following behind Denmark came Switzerland, Austria, Iceland and the Bahamas.排在丹麦之后的幸福国家是瑞士、地利、岛和巴哈马群岛。
15.Harry: Here we are Marv. New York City, the land of opportunity. Smell that?哈利:我们到了,马福。纽约,充满机遇的城市。闻到了么?
16.Childhood Love-Song Hometown Complex;童年的恋歌,故乡的情结——哈代、福克纳和马尔克斯艺术世界比较之一
17.On Habermas s Transformation of the Rationality Theory of the Early Frankfurt School;论哈贝马斯对早期法兰克福学派合理性理论的改造
18.Early in January of 1981, I visited Manuel Velázquez.1981年初,我拜访了马奴维·维拉兹盖兹。

Naguib Mahfouz纳吉布·马哈福兹
1.As Naguib Mahfouz has a progressive realization of Sufism, the author has tried to take a longitudinal method to analyze this progression.结合纳吉布·马哈福兹思想上对苏非主义认识的不断发展,本文先从纵向线索入手,对他在语言上表现出的苏非主义倾向发展轨迹作了初步的阶段性划分,主要探讨了这一特点在语言上的种种表现,旨在展示马哈福兹的语言艺术。
3)Russian KAMAZ Truck Plant Eyes Upon Ford Founding Plant卡马兹人看福特
5)Abkhazia[英][?b'ke???, -zi:?, -'kɑ:-, ɑ:b-][美][?b'ke??, -zi?, -'kɑ-, ɑb-]阿布哈兹
1.It consists of Autonomous Republic oAbkhazia, Autonomous Republic of Adzharia, Autonomous State of South Ossetia, two municipalities and nine boroughs.格鲁吉亚是一个风景秀丽,但资源贫乏的高加索山国,由阿布哈兹自治共和国、阿扎尔自治共和国、南奥塞梯自治州、两个直辖市和九个大区组成,面积6。
2.In recent years, the Abkhazia ethnic issues have influenced the Georgia-Russia relation greatly, which in turn led to Georgia\'s swinging to western countries.阿布哈兹民族问题近年来对格鲁吉亚和俄罗斯的关系影响巨大,导致了格鲁吉亚倾向西方的政策,该问题也是外高加索地区动荡不安的主要因素。
3.The reason is that June 4,2007 the leaders of Abkhazia and South Ossetia,the distrcits which asked themselves to be separated from Georgia,required the United Nation admit the independence of the two countries,after recognizing Kosovo\'s separation from Serbia.原因在于2007年6月4日,格鲁吉亚要求分离的地区阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯的领导人向联合国提出,在国际上承认科索沃从塞尔维亚分离后,也要承认这两个国家独立。

《鲁兹·优素福》周刊  埃及有影响的综合性阿拉伯文周刊。每星期日在开罗出版。1925年由埃及著名的女演员法蒂玛·优素福创办,1960年收归国有。政治上基本倾向官方,但在国内政治、经济、中东形势等重大问题上,也刊登一些具有独到见解的文章,有时甚至是反对党的观点,因而受到各界读者的重视。期发行量9万份(1985)。