1.There are many norms about foreclosure in Qin Tomb s Letters of Shuifu Mountain.睡虎地秦墓竹简有多处关于""的规定,虽不及张家山汉简系统、完整,但正因为它的具体和零散,却承载了大量的历史信息,对于理解秦汉以前的刑有关键意义。

1.redeem oneself [a person's life]付出回本身 [人命]
2.expiate oneself罪, 偿罪expiatesin[acrime]
3.convertible redeemable note可转换可回票据,可换股可回票据
4.To obtain the release of by paying a certain price.出,回支付一定钱财来获得释放
5.of or relating to or resulting in redemption.属于或关于回的,或引起回的。
6.and one he-goat for a sin-offering to take away your sin.并献一只公山羊作罪祭,为你们罪。
7.Atoning for the Crime and Redeem Punishment in the Laws of Qin-Han on Bamboo Slips;竹简秦汉律中的“罪”与“刑”
8.redeemable preferred share可回有优先权的股份
9.Redemptus ab hostibus从敌人那儿回的俘虏
10.non-cumulative redeemable preference share非累积的可回优先股
11.ransom bill=ransom bond)(被掳船只的)付保证书
12.prime redemption privilege提前回押品的权利
13.foreclosure sale取消取权后的出售
14.He redeemed his watch from pawn.他回了典当的表。
15.reclaimed by payment of a ransom.通过支付敲诈而被回。
16.I'm going to redeem my gold watch.我打算回我的金表。
17.redeemable goods in a pawnshop.当铺里可回的货物。
18.To bar an equity or a right to redeem a mortgage.取消回抵押品的权利

1.The purchase and redemption of open-end funds: a study based on SCF;开放式基金申购回:基于分离现金流量的研究
2.An Empirical Analysis on the Redemption Puzzle of Open-end Funds in China;中国开放式基金回异象的实证研究
3.An Empirical Investigation on Open-end Fund Redemption;开放式基金回现象的实证研究
1.The redemption system has existed for more than two thousand years from promulgation to abolition.从产生到废止,刑经历了两千多年的历史。
1.Significance and approaches of salvation of cultural relics through tourism development in TGP reservoir area;旅游业救三峡库区文化遗存的意义及途径
2.Tuya’s Marriage: Tuya’s Love Salvation;《图雅的婚事》:图雅的爱情救
3.The Lost Life, the Romantic Salvation;迷途的人生 浪漫的救——小说《蓝色的马》解读
1.The Suffering and Redemption of Contemporary Job;当代“约伯”的苦难与救
6)vicarious atonement代赎

波斯匿王女婆陀死王求赎命【波斯匿王女婆陀死王求赎命】 (传说)见经律异相二十八。