1.Wang Shuo created a group of playboys in his works,and Wang Xiaobo created corresponding image of Wang Er.王朔在他的"顽主"系列作品里塑造了一群顽主形象,而王小波在他的《时代三部曲》里塑造了相互联系的王二形象,二者对于现有价值的质疑与消解都具有重大意义,但由于王朔与王小波的身份与经历的不同以及写作目的不同,致使两种人物在姿态、对于知识分子的态度,尤其是人物本身所蕴含的意义这几个方面都有很大的不同。

1.Struggling between Ideality and Reality--On Wang Shuo s The Trouble-Shooters;诗意与世俗的分离——《顽主》分析
2.Comparing Wang Shuo s "Playboy" and Wang Xiaobo s Wang Er;王朔的顽主式人物与王小波的王二式人物比较
3.I was stubborn and egocentric,我是顽固的利己主义者。
4.He is a tenacious world master.他是个顽强的世界主人。
5.The hard-shell conservatism dies hard死硬的保守主义在继续顽抗。
6.harsh punishments for sturdy vagabonds and masterless men.对顽固的流浪汉和没有主人的人的严厉惩罚。
7.5. The die-hard forces at the present time are the big landlord class and the big bourgeoisie.(五)顽固势力,目前就是大地主大资产阶级的势力。
8.The colonialists stubbornly defended their annexations with fire and sword.殖民主义者大肆烧杀,顽固防守他们吞并的领土。
9.The communist submitted to his tough opponent at last.那位共产主义者最后屈服于他顽强的敌人。
10.John is a diehard conservative and is completely against abortion.约翰是个顽固的保守主义者,坚决反对堕胎.
11.The hero in this fairy story is an ugly goblin.在这个童话中,主角是个丑陋顽皮的小妖精。
12.Relationship Study between Psychological Hardiness and Subjective Well-being of Junior Students初中生心理顽强性与主观幸福感的相关研究
13.Nor can all the blame be placed upon bigoted employers.也不能说,问题全是由顽固不化的雇主们所造成的。
14.Farmer Jones was a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist; he would never use any modern pesticides.农夫琼斯是一个顽固的传统主义者,他从不愿使用任何新式的农药。
15.The ideological weapons of the old die-hard feudalism were defeated, had to give way and were declared bankrupt.旧的顽固的封建主义的思想武器打了败仗了,抵不住,宣告破产了。
16.The main German thrust against the recalcitrant Yugoslavs would clearly come through Rumania.德国进击顽强不驯的南斯拉夫人的主要力量显然是取道罗马尼亚。
17.When Dan died, the wayward boys he had befriended were among the chief mourners.丹死时,他曾与之为友的顽童们都在主要悼丧者之列。
18.He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department.他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。

Hippy literature顽主文学
3)Obstinate disorder顽疾
4)obstinate bi syndrome顽痹
5)naughty interest顽趣
1.Wang Xiaobo s "interest" refers to the childlike factor, naughtiness and feelings of childishness, so it can be concretely said that it is "naughty interest".王小波的“趣”包含了儿童视角、顽皮色彩和童真情怀,因而可以具体地定位为“顽趣”。
6)stubborn phlegm顽痰

顽顽1.顽抗;抗争。 2.轻浮貌。顽,通"玩"。 3.玩赏。顽,通"玩"。