1.Unforgettable nostalgia and reluctant life——Try to analyze the cultural motif and philosophical ethos of Taibeiness;难舍的乡愁 无奈的人生——试析《台北人》的文化主题和哲学意蕴

1.The people of Taipei sent sympathy cards and flowers to the zoo台北人寄了许多慰问卡和花到动物园,
2.Reproduction of the Exile Motif in the English Version of Taipei Jen《台北人》英译本中放逐主题的再现
3.Resident in Taibei by Bai Xianyong and Qiu Xing- Eight Poems by Du Fu白先勇《台北人》与杜甫《秋兴八首》
4.Vagrancy and Returning Home--On the Dispersal Theme in Taibei Ren;漂泊与还乡——论《台北人》的“离散”主题
5.On Taipei Characters Life Concerning Consciousness;论白先勇《台北人》的生命关怀意识
6.On Bai Xianyong s Creative Ideas through His Works of Taibei Man and NewYork Man;从《台北人》、《纽约客》解读白先勇的创作观
7.On Mapping and Deepening of Theme in Terms of Diet Metaphor in Taibei People;试论《台北人》饮食隐喻对小说主题的映照与深化
8.On the Task of the Translator - A Case Study on the Self-translation of Taibei People;从自译看译者的任务——以《台北人》的翻译为个案
9.Probe into the Bai Xianyong s Tragedy Judgement Experience Based on His Creation "Tai Bai Ren;从白先勇《台北人》的创作试探其审悲经验
10.Rididly Tasting the Life;执着地品尝人生况味——论白先勇短篇小说集《台北人》的叙事伦理建构
11.Unforgettable nostalgia and reluctant life--Try to analyze the cultural motif and philosophical ethos of Taibeiness;难舍的乡愁 无奈的人生——试析《台北人》的文化主题和哲学意蕴
12.Last night the Beijing People's Broadcasting Station announced that a typhoon was approaching.昨夜北京人民广播电台预告台风快要来临。
13.The people in the club get together once or twice a month for an activity.社里的人一个月聚一、两次,在台北或是台北附近活动。
14.Driving in Taipei is quite impossible nowadays.现在在台北开车,令人无法忍受。
15.You have to expect the unexpected in Taipei.在台北,就得相信“人算不如天算”的道理!
16.The Study of Training System of Reserving Chinese Taipei s Swimming Personnel;中华台北游泳后备人才培养体制研究
17.A thousand or more candidates from all 18 provinces including Taiwan who had assembled in Beijing for the Imperial Examination signed a strongly-worded petition opposing the ceding of Taiwan.在北京会试的包括台湾在内的18省千余举人“公车上书”,反对割台。
18.The average daily broadcasting time of the seven stations of Radio Beijing reached 189 hours.北京人民广播电台七个系列台平均每日播音时间达到189小时。

Taipei Characters台北人题材
3)What is the population of Taipei?台北有多少人囗?
1.A Case Study of Taipei Eco-city Experience;台湾台北市绿色生态城市规划案例研究
2.Leisure,Lifestyle and Urban Development: A Case Study of Fitness Clubs in Taipei;台北健身俱乐部的演变与都市发展
1.The Application of the Small Area Map of Earthquake Degrees in Taibei Disaster Prevention;台北市震度微区图在建筑防灾之运用
6)Taipei, Taiwan.台湾的台北。
