1.An Analysis of the Individual Psychological Traits of Godfathers in Godfather;探析《教父》中教父的个性心理特征

1."Your Godfather," she said.“你教父,”她说。
2.An Analysis of the Individual Psychological Traits of Godfathers in Godfather;探析《教父》中教父的个性心理特征
3.patristic literature基督教早期教父文学
4.A person for whom another serves as sponsor at baptism.教子,教女在洗礼时认某人为教父的人
5."allen made.a series of "serious comedies", such as "Manhattan"(1979). F. Coppola directed "The Godfather"(1972 ) and "The Godfather "(1974)."W.艾伦拍摄了一系列"严肃的喜剧",如教父)(1972)和教父)(续集)(1974)。
6.children who lack parental control.缺乏父母管教的孩子
7.The father taught his son how to point a pencil.父亲教儿子怎样削铅笔。
8.His mother and father are Both college teachers.他的父母都是大学教师。
9.education for responsible parenthood有关父母责任的教育
10.My uncle is teaching me how to play singles.我叔父教我怎样单打。
11.A priest who sings in a chantry.小教堂唱弥撒的神父
12.My father instructed me (in) how to sharpen a knife.父亲教我如何磨刀。
13.Most often, their parents are their teachers.教师大多数由父母担当。
14.Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy.天主教神父发誓不结婚.
15.The priest celebrates Mass in church.神父在教堂内举行弥撒。
16.Parents have to discipline their children.做父母的须管教子女.
17.My father taught me to ride a bicycle.我的父亲教我骑自行车。
18.My father taught me the skills in penmanship.我父亲教我书法的技巧。

Fatherhood education父教
3)Parental influence父母教育
4)Paternal nurturance父亲教养
1.Therefore, interrelation between children s temperament activity and parenting is the hot topic of temperament psychology.气质活动性是影响儿童心理行为发展的重要因素,探讨儿童气质活动性和父母教养因素的相互作用已经成为气质心理学研究的热点问题。
2.Grandparenting research expanded rapidly during the past three decades in international.近二三十年,国外对于祖父母教养进行了大量的研究,这些研究大多集中在单亲以及隔代教养家庭,祖父母代替父母教养孙子女,以及在这种背景下祖父母教养对祖父母和孙子女的影响等方面。
3.Sufficient studies have found that compared to parents in western cultures, Chinese parents are normally applying an authoritarian parenting style.相关分析显示中国范本中,父母教养方式中的心理控制(psychological control)和孩子们的抑郁状况以及人际交流状态并没有显著的负面相关。
6)the Godfather Period教父时期
1.As the most important representative figure in the Godfather Period of Western Medieval, Aurelius Augustinus regards God as ontology of beauty and ponders aesthetic problem from the angle of the Christian theology.作为西方中世纪教父时期美学思想的最大代表,奥古斯丁把上帝当作美的本体,从基督教神学的角度思考美学问题。
