1.The Image of Mermaid and the "Waste Land" Theme——An Interpretation of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock;人鱼的意象 荒原的主题——艾略特的《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》解读

1.The sea-maid said,"Octopus robbed my treasure box."美人鱼说:“章鱼抢走了我的宝盒!”
2.The six mermaids were happy.六个美人鱼都很开心。
3.One that sells fish.鱼贩,鱼商卖鱼的人
4.Give a man a fish and he eats a day.(给人以鱼,一日食鱼;授人予渔,终身得鱼。
5.One who fishes with a hook.垂钓者用鱼钩钓鱼的人
6.(of a person)enthusiastic about fishing(指人)爱钓鱼的.
7.but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate,而是深受人们喜爱的食用鱼品种,如鳕鱼和鳐鱼,
8.Only the angler still thinks fresh- water fish important.只有嗜好钓鱼的人仍然垂青于淡水鱼;
9.The angler reeled the trout in slowly.钓鱼的人慢慢地收绕钓丝钓起鳟鱼.
10.The angler cast his line .钓鱼的人把鱼线抛入水中.
11.An English lady, a flower garden, and a fishpond full of koi.英国妇人,花园,满是金色鲤鱼的鱼池。
12.With failing might the old man struck the shark with his harpoon.老人用尽余力把鱼叉往鲨鱼身上扎去。
13.The angler reeled the trout in slowly钓鱼的人慢慢地收绕钓丝钓起鳟鱼。
14."Trustee of the Marine Fish Scholarship Fund, The"海鱼奖学基金受托人
15.Indians hunt and fish.印地安人狩猎捕鱼。
16.An old man is fishing on the ship,一位老人在船上钓鱼,
17.caviare to the general;“一般人不赏识的腌鱼子”;
18.the fisherman answered merrily.钓鱼人愉快地回答道。

artificial reef人工鱼礁
1.Advance in the research on artificial reef design;人工鱼礁礁体设计的研究进展
2.A review on influential factors of fouling organisms on artificial reef;人工鱼礁附着生物影响因素研究进展
3.Preliminary evaluation on effects of artificial reef project in Shengsi;嵊泗人工鱼礁建设初期效果评价
3)artificial fish人工鱼
1.Research of perception fusion model of artificial fish in virtual environment虚拟环境下人工鱼感知融合模型研究
2.Cognitive models based on self-reproduction are presented and built to improve the cognition of artificial fish, and high-level motion controls based on animal logic are implemented.提出并建立了面向自繁衍的人工鱼的认知模型,提高人工鱼的认知能力,实现基于“动物逻辑”的人工鱼高级行为控制。
3.Based on biologic theory,high-level behavioral plan and locomotion models of artificial fish were proposed from the viewpoint of integration of artificial intelligence and artificial life.以生物学理论为依据,从人工智能和人工生命相结合的角度提出了人工鱼的高级行为规划和运动模型。
4)artificial reefs人工鱼礁
1.Evaluation on weight factors affecting artificial reefs site selection in Zhoushan area based on AHP;舟山海域人工鱼礁选址基于AHP的权重因子评价
2.Sitting and designing of artificial reefs;人工鱼礁的投放区选址和礁体设计
3.Validation and comparison between wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulation of flow field around artificial reefs人工鱼礁流场风洞实验与数值模拟对比验证
5)artificial fish reef人工鱼礁
1.According to the construction plan of artificial fish reef in Guangdong Coast,a water quality investigation before establishment of artificial fish reef was taken in Zhelin Bay near Raoping Sea in September 2007.按照广东省人工鱼礁建设规划的要求,2007年9月对饶平柘林湾附近海域七星礁和虎屿2个拟建人工鱼礁区进行了海水水质调查分析。
1.Musical Analysis on Mermaid;关于《美人鱼》的音乐分析
2.This article is focusing on the discussion of the sub-consciousness condensed into the symbol of mermaid in Eliot s poem The Love Song of J·Alfred.文章追溯了美人鱼的象征渊源,探讨艾略特作为现代主义诗人将阿普鲁弗洛克的主体潜意识暗流汇聚在美人鱼的象征客体之中,折射出现代人的矛盾,彷徨,永远处于生和死的临界边缘。

人鱼1.即鲵鱼。俗称娃娃鱼。 2.儒艮的别称。哺乳动物。哺乳时用前肢拥抱幼仔,头部和胸部露出水面,宛如人在水中游泳,故称。