
1.Neo-Perceptionalism and Neo-Psychologism --A Comparisonbetween the Creations of the Novels by Mu Shiying and Shi Zhecun;新感觉主义与新心理主义——穆时英、施蛰存小说创作比较
2.Connectionist Psycholinguistics:A New Approach to Psycholinguistic Research;联结主义心理语言学——心理语言学研究的新方法
3.New Kanteism to the Orientational Influence of Psychology Studies;新康德主义对心理学研究取向的影响
4.Research and Development of Instructional Psychology in Foreign Countries;建构主义与教学心理学研究的新发展
5.connectionistic psychology联结主义心理学(心理学)
6.Construction of the New Countryside under the Socialism in the View of Polycentric Governance Theory;多中心治理理论视野下的社会主义新农村建设
7.Study on Freshmen s Perfect Doctrine and Mental Healthy;大一新生完美主义与心理健康的关系研究
8.On Theoretical Innovation of Core Value of Socialism;试论社会主义核心价值体系的理论创新
9.The Humanitarianism Spirit--the Value Core of the Civil Ethics Cultural of the New Countryside;人道主义精神——新农村伦理文化的核心价值
10.Another Voice:The Modern Neo-Confucianism and Chinese Humanistic Psychology;另一种声音:现代新儒学与中国人文主义心理学
11.Can the Postmodernism Offer Some New Spiritual Resources For Psychology?;后现代主义能否为心理学提供新的精神资源
12.New-Kantism and Its Influence on the Methodology of humanity psychology;新康德主义对人本心理学方法论的影响
13.Analysis on American New Behaviourist Psychology in the 20th Century;20世纪美国新行为主义心理学的行为观解析
14.New Democracy s Theoretical Innovation And Its Historic Meaning;新民主主义的理论创新及其历史意义
15.The Idea of Environmental Ethics of Noncentricism;无中心主义的环境伦理理念——建构环境伦理学的一种新尝试
16.Journal of Humanistic Psychology人本主义心理学杂志
17.Scientific psychology is characterized by scientism.科学主义心理学以唯科学主义为特征。
18.Humanistic Psychology and Humanistic Language Teaching;人本主义心理学与人本主义语言教学

1.From Antipsychologism to the Foundation of Phenomenology——The Inner Tension and its Solution at the Initial Stage of Husserl s Phenomenology;从反心理主义到现象学的创立——胡塞尔现象学创立之初的内在紧张性及其解决
2.On John Stuart Mill's Psychologism约翰·穆勒的心理主义辨析
3.Anti-psychologism is a common proposition in modern western philosophy.反心理主义是现代西方哲学的共同主张,皮尔士是这一主张的最早倡导者之一。
1.Accordingto the different choice of archetype, the structure of contem-porary western typology can be summed up as two parts:Neo-rationalism typology seeking for archetype from history,and Neo-regionalism typology seeking for that from region.由于选择“原型”的来源角度不同,概括起来,当代西方建筑类型学的架构主要由两大部分组成:从历史中寻找“原型”的新理性主义的建筑类型学,与从地区中寻找“原型”的新地域主义的建筑类型学。
2.Then it induces the methodology of urban planning reform which has four features of neo-rationalism: from continuity to the coexistence of continuity and discontinuity, from certainty to the coexistence of certainty and uncertainty, from dividability to the coexistence of dividability and undividability, from predictability to the coexistence of predictability and unpredictability.并据此归纳出城市规划学变革的方法论——新理性主义的四方面特征:从单一连续性转向连续性与非连续性并存;从注重确定性转向确定性与非确定性并存;从突出城市的可分性转向可分性与不可分性并存;从严格的可预见性转向可预见性与不可预见性并存。
1.Idea of quality education of Kang Youwei reflected trend of humanism and new-ethethics and included means demographics and education.康有为的素质教育思想体现出人本主义和新伦理主义的色彩,具有深远的人口学和教育学意义,对于我们当前提倡的素质教育仍具有可资借鉴的时代价值。
6)new managerialism新管理主义
1.From the perspective of new managerialism, this research undertakes an exploration into reforms of new managerialism model in higher education initiated in 1980 s.本研究从新管理主义这一分析视角入手,对西方国家这段时期以来高等教育新管理主义改革模式展开研究。
