2)theoretical creation理论创造
1.He has not only made outstanding contributions to a systematic study on the history of Chinese philoso-phy, but also made his theoretical creation characterized by his own distinct personality and the time.他学贯中西、会通古今,不仅在系统研究中国哲学史方面取得了杰出的成就,而且作出了反映时代特点和富有个性的理论创造。

1.New Marxist Theorywas Createdin China;论毛泽东新民主主义革命的理论创造
2.On Team Creativity Research and the Turning Point of Creativity Psychology;试论团体创造力研究与创造心理学的理论转向
3.Creation and Recreation: Northrop Frye on Elite Culture;创造与再创造——论诺·弗莱的精英文化理论
4.Implicit Theories of Creativity and Cultivation of Future Teacher s Awareness of Creativity;创造力内隐理论与未来教师创造意识的培养
5.A new interpretation of the cultivation of human creativity;解读人的创造性的培养——马斯洛创造理论的启示
6.Knowledge Creation Mechanism Based on Epistemological and Ontological Perspectives;知识创造机理:认识论-本体论的观点
7.Automotive Manufacturing Management Innovation-Workshop Management Triangle;汽车制造管理创新—论车间管理三角形
8.Review and Evaluation of Literature Creation Theory Research --Form the Perspective of Literature Creation Ontology;文学创造理论研究的回视与定位——以《文学创造本体论》为视点
9.create mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands.在精神上或者理论上进行创造。
10.This is an example of the creative use of the idea.这是创造性运用这一理论的实例。
11.A Study on Creativity in Literary Translation from the Perspective of Rewriting Theory;从改写理论解读文学翻译中的创造性
12.Shallowly discusses the utilization color psychology creation emotion packing design;浅论运用色彩心理创造情感包装设计
13.Creativity of Classroom Teaching Concerning the Course of Ideological and Political Theory;思想政治理论课课堂教学创造性探析
14.A Discussion on the Creative Uses of Geography Teaching Materials Under the New Curriculum;试论新课程下地理教材的创造性使用
15.On Importance of Persistence in Living Labour Creating Value Principle;论坚持活劳动创造价值原理的重要性
16.On how to use creative teaching method in Philosophy Class;哲学理论课的创造性教学方式的探索
17.Comments on Zhu Guangqian s Literature Criticism;创造的名理静观——朱光潜批评美学论
18.TRIZ--Theory on Solving Inventive Problem;TRIZ——解决创造性问题的理论

theoretical creation理论创造
1.He has not only made outstanding contributions to a systematic study on the history of Chinese philoso-phy, but also made his theoretical creation characterized by his own distinct personality and the time.他学贯中西、会通古今,不仅在系统研究中国哲学史方面取得了杰出的成就,而且作出了反映时代特点和富有个性的理论创造。
3)On the Range of Creativity论创造阈
4)vitality creation theory元气创造论
5)creativity aesthetics创造论美学
1.His creativity aesthetics comes from three aspects.蒋孔阳创造论美学思想的源泉来自三个方面。
6)systematic perspective of creativity创造系统论
1.Contemporary creativity theory is characterized by the systematic perspective of creativity.创造系统论是当代创造理论的基本精神。

《概率论、信息论及其在雷达中的应用》  阐述雷达信息和信号检测理论的经典著作,英国P.M.伍德沃德著。1953年伦敦派加蒙出版公司出版,1964年再版。全书共七章,前三章是概率论、信息论和信号分析的基础,也是阅读本书的预备 知识。第四章是噪声中信号检测的一般理论,对理想接收机和后验概率理论作了精辟的阐述。最后三章是全书的精华,系统阐述雷达信号检测理论和分辨理论。书中提出著名的伍德沃德模糊函数的定义,后成为雷达信号分析和波形设计的有效工具。书中还分析了几种典型雷达信号的模糊函数及其对系统潜在性能(精度、分辨力、模糊度)的影响,对雷达信号波形设计有很大的作用。这本书已被译成多种语言出版。1980年美国再次翻印出版。