
1.The Illusive Interpretation on Woman s Fate On "The Serpent";女性命运的迷幻抒写——《羽蛇》分析
2.A god of the Toltecs and Aztecs, represented as a plumed serpent.羽蛇神托尔特克人和阿兹特克人信奉的一种神,被象征为长有羽毛的蛇
3.Study on Lawrence s Salvation of His Late Novel from the Plumed Serpent;从《羽蛇》看劳伦斯后期长篇小说中的救世思想
4.Lawrence in Struggle--An Analysis of Post-colonialism in The Plumbed Serpent;挣扎中的劳伦斯——评析作品《羽蛇》中的后殖民意识
5.On the Symbolic Images in Xu Xiaobin s The Feathered Serpent;神界的“黄昏”——谈徐小斌小说《羽蛇》中的象征性意象
6.Net and Lines:Time and Space──On Yu She and its feminine historical narration;网和线:“时间性”与“空间化”——论《羽蛇》及女性历史叙事
7.The Female Nomad Fate under the Blood Medium Angle of View--Analyzes Xu Xiao Bin "Feather Snake";血缘媒介视角下的女性流浪命运——试析徐小斌的《羽蛇
8.The Mad Women in the Whirlpool of Modernity--A Study of Three Contemporary Novels;现代性漩涡中的疯女人——从《晨钟响彻黄昏》、《羽蛇》、《无字》谈起
9.A kind of vain turn to recount of the female ego approve;女性自我认同的一种虚幻化叙事——论徐小斌的《羽蛇
10.In The Plumed Serpent, he denigrates the revolutionary aspirations he heard expressed in Mexico during the 1920s,在《羽蛇》中,他贬抑了二十年代他在墨西哥时听到人们所表达的对革命的向往。
11.Anhinga's feathers are not as waterproof as some other waterbirds.蛇鸟的羽毛并不像其他的一些水鸟那么防水。
12.An Anhinga-a pelican relative-stretches its wings to dry its feathers.一只美洲蛇鸟——塘鹅的一种——张开了它的翅膀晾干羽毛。
13.The birds' feathers can become waterlogged, however, and Anhinga are often seen perched with their wings outstretched to dry.当然这样做肯定会打湿它们的羽毛,所以通常蛇鸟通常给人的印象就是栖息在树上展开双翅的。
14.There were images of the ancient Mayans gods in the form of feathered serpents, crouching reptiles and dozens of human figures.那里满是古代玛雅人神明的图像,形似长着羽毛的大毒蛇、缩着的爬虫还有许多人的形象。
15.Down and featherGB/T17685-1999羽绒羽毛
16.rattlesnake(poisonous American snake )响尾蛇(美洲毒蛇).
17.A similar or related snake.蟒蛇,蚺蛇蟒蛇,蚺蛇,与之类似或相关的蛇
18.cobras; kraits; mambas; coral snakes; Australian taipan and tiger snakes.眼镜蛇;金环蛇;树眼睛蛇;银环蛇;澳洲太攀蛇和盾鳞棘背蛇。

The Plumed Serpent《羽蛇》
1.D.H.Lawrence s anti-colonial Discourse in The Plumed Serpent;劳伦斯《羽蛇》中的反殖民话语
2.Study on Lawrence s Salvation of His Late Novel from the Plumed Serpent;从《羽蛇》看劳伦斯后期长篇小说中的救世思想
3)Ampelopsis chaffanjoni羽叶蛇葡萄
1.hypochrysa(Rhamnaceae) flowering from April to June,and fruiting from June to August;Ampelopsis chaffanjoni(Vitaceae) flowering from May to July,and fruiting from July to September;Amitostigma hemipilioides(Ochidaceae)flower from May to July.hypochrysa,花期4-6月,果期6-8月;葡萄科Vitaceae的羽叶蛇葡萄Ampelopsis chaffanjoni,花期5-7月,果期7-9月;兰科Orchidaceae的卵叶无柱兰Amitostigma hemipilioides,花期5-7月。
4)Quetzalcoatl in the World属于世界的羽蛇
5)the plumed serpent; white-plumed egrets.羽状的蛇形焰火;白羽毛的鹭鸶。
1.Antitoxin Factors in Serum of Nonpoisonous Snakes Detoxicating Several Kinds of Venom;无毒蛇血清中对抗蛇毒的解毒因子初探
2.Isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria from stomatitis of snake;蛇口腔炎病原菌的分离与鉴定
