
1.It was thou didst snatch me from his arms.希罗底王后:是你把我从他的怀抱里抢走的。
2.You hear what he says against me? You suffer him to revile her who is your wife!希罗底王后:你听见他攻击我的话了吗?你居然容忍他谩骂你的妻子!
3.I do not believe in omens. He speaks like a drunken man.希罗底王后:我才不信什么预兆呢,他说话像个醉鬼。
4.We too can learn from his example of steadfastness in the face of opposition.希罗底的女儿被她母亲所指使,就说要施洗约翰的头。
5.Of a truth, dear and noble Herodias, you are my wife, and before that you were the wife of my brother.希律王:实际上,亲爱的高贵的希罗底,你是我的妻子;而在那以前,你是我哥哥的妻子。
6.On Description about Edict of God in the Works of Herodotos and Thucydides关于希罗多德与修昔底德作品中对神谕的描述
7.A thick-soled laced half boot worn by actors of Greek and Roman tragedies.厚底靴希腊和罗马悲剧演员所穿的束带子的厚底半高统靴
8.An Elementary Analysis on the Rational Spirit of Greek Classical History--Taking Herodatus and Thucydides as Example;浅谈希腊古典史学的理性精神——以希罗多德、修昔底德为例
9.Herodotus and Thucydides are two milestones in the western History of historiography.希罗多德与修昔底德是西方史学史上两位里程碑式的人物。
10.Vision of the Lower Class and Research into Feudalism--Research on Rodney·Hilton s Historical Thought;底层社会视野与封建主义研究——罗德尼·希尔顿史学思想探论
11.fischer tropsch process费希尔 特罗普希法
12.Judie Meilo, chairman of the board of World Learning Organization, hopes to establish a joint venture education organization with Shanghai by the end of this year.世界学习组织董事长朱迪·梅罗希望在今年底与上海建立一个合资的教育机构。
13.Freundlich adsorption equation弗罗因德利希吸附公式
14.Heathrow Airport is on the outskirts of London.希斯罗机场在伦敦郊区。
15.the Roman, Greek, Egyptian divinities罗马、 希腊、 埃及诸神.
16.He studies Greek and Roman mythology.他研究希腊和罗马神话。
17.She wanted Romeo to stay, but she did not want him to die.她希望罗密欧留下来,但却不希望他死。
18.Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.希罗宁姆斯·博希是怪诞派绘画大师。

1.Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin Combined with AiDi Injection in the Treatment of Advanced Gastrie Cancer;希罗达草酸铂方案联合艾迪治疗进展期胃癌的临床研究
2.Capecitabine combined with oxaliplatin in advanced colorectal cancer;希罗达联合奥沙利铂治疗晚期大肠癌17例临床观察
3.Study on capecitabine for advanced liver cancer;希罗达治疗中晚期肝癌的临床研究
1.Clinical Study of Xeloda in Treatment of Drug Resistant Advanced Breast Cancer in Elderly Patients;希罗达治疗老年晚期耐药乳腺癌的临床观察
2.Clinical Analysis of 18 Cases with Late Carcinoma of Colon Treated with Xeloda;希罗达治疗晚期结肠癌18例临床分析
3.Treatment of patients with advanced gastric cancer with paclitaxel combined with Xeloda:an analysis of 31 cases;紫杉醇联合希罗达治疗晚期胃癌31例
1.From History to View the Seeds of Herodotus Viewoni Humanity History;从《历史》看希罗多德人本史观的萌芽
2.A Tentative Study of Herodotus Academic Standing on Historiography;试论希罗多德的史学地位
3.Reinterpreting the Errors in Herodotus′ Writings;重新解读希罗多德的失误
1.Analysis of Heroduts Religious Superstition;试析希罗多德的宗教迷信思想
2.On the End of Heroduts History and the Goal of his Wring;评希罗多德《历史》的结尾——兼论希罗多德的写作目的
1.The Study of Comparing Annals of Zuo and Herodoti Historiae;《左传》与希罗多德《历史》比较研究
