2)narratorial commentary叙述评论
3)the narrator's comment全知叙述者评论
4)Narrative Element叙述元素

1.Artistic Perfection of Telling and Showing--Diversified Voices and Focalizations in The Bluest Eye;讲述与展示的艺术结合——《最蓝的眼睛》的多元叙述声音和视角
2.The Diversified Narrative Art of Absalom,Absalom!--compared with The Sound and the Fury《押沙龙,押沙龙!》的多元叙述艺术——兼与《喧哗与骚动》比较
3.Narrative Character of Storyteller in the Yuan-zaju;元杂剧演述体制中的说书人叙述质素
4.Narrating A Past Experience第十四单元 叙述一次经历
5.Make-up in Lolita as Meta-fiction;叙述的谎言—《洛丽塔》的元小说特征
6.Meta-fiction "debris" Writing: Subversion of the Integrity of Traditional Narrative Patterns;元小说“碎片化”写作:颠覆传统叙述的整体性
7.To Pursue with the Narration the Times Fading--My Commentary to the Prose by An Yuan-kui;用叙述追赶消褪的时间——我观安元奎散文
8.The incorporation of veres with prose as features of narration found in the Shuohua of storytellers and Huaben stories in Song and Yuan Dynasties;艺人说话与宋元话本韵散兼用的叙述特点
9.The Ideology of Song-Yuan Fictional Narrators:Love and Politics宋元小说叙述者的意识形态:情爱与政治
10.A Comparison Between Literary Narrative and Historical Narrative;叙事与述史:多元重合的精神空间——文学叙事与历史叙事比较的理论基点
11.The purpose of Yuan drama is to tell a story, and the characters, in their representative narration, are storytellers.元杂剧以故事表述为目的,剧中人物承担着杂剧故事的叙述任务。
12.The Discussion on the Variety of History Valuation;试论历史价值判断的多元性——秦王政及其政权的个案叙述
13.Typological Description and Fiction History Writing--With Reference to "History of Fiction in the Song,Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties;类型描述与小说史叙写——从《宋辽金元小说史》说开去
14.Modern Narration of the Primary Era of Man --On the Writing of Tian Ying as a Tujia Writer;人类元年的现代叙述——论土家族作家田瑛的小说创作
15.National Discourse and Historical Narration--A New Historicist Reading of Li Lianjie's Film Huo Yuanjia民族话语与历史叙述——对电影《霍元甲》的一种新历史主义批评
16.Diversification in Moral Justification:Effective Measure of Enhancing the Education of Medical Morality伦理叙述多元化是提高医德教育实效的有效途径
17.To relate in detail.详述深入到细节地叙述
18.On the narrative technique of Ethan Frome from the perspective of narrators;从叙述者看《伊坦·弗洛美》的叙述艺术

narratorial commentary叙述评论
3)the narrator's comment全知叙述者评论
4)Narrative Element叙述元素
