
1.A neglected struggler: comments on Mathilde in The Red And The Black;一个被忽略的抗争者——评《红与黑》中玛蒂尔德形象
2.A strong man will struggle with the storm of fate .强者敢与厄运抗争。
3.One of the volunteers died in the fight against the great flood.在抗洪斗争中有一个志愿者牺牲了。
4.A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.-- Thomas Addison强者能同命运的风暴抗争。--爱迪生
5.Crowds of pacifists protested against the war.成群的和平主义者抗议这场战争。
6.The Struggles of the Displaced in Tennessee Williams s Plays;田纳西·威廉斯剧作中“错位者”的抗争
7.HUANG Gang:the Rising Reporter Star during the War of Resistance against Japan;抗日战争中升起的记者新星——黄钢
8.Hopeless Quest for the Ideal--On Salinger's Rebellion against and Identification with the Mainstream Values质疑·抗争·抵制——《麦田守望者》的文化解读
9.not supporting or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest.在战争、争论或者对抗中不支持或者赞成任何一方。
10.The tribe confederate in the war against intruder.在战争期间,各部队联合起来对抗入侵者。
11.The Chinese people had crushed the Japanese aggressors in the Anti-Japanese War.在抗日战争中,中国人民打垮了日本侵略者。
12.Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle.克服在争斗中对抗困难或者障碍的胜利
13.Though a few rebels still held out, the fighting was effectively ended.尽管少数叛乱者仍负隅顽抗,战争实际已告结束
14.She herself, was struggling against cancer.齐老师自己就是一个与病魔抗争的癌症患者。
15.The Weak identity as a Weapon:Subaltern Politics of the Peasant Resistance for Rights;“作为武器的弱者身份”:农民维权抗争的底层政治
16.On the Role of Soviet Volunteers in Chinese Anti-Japanese War;论苏联志愿者在中国抗日战争中的作用
17.Theoretical Controversy,Legal Practice and Consumers′ Relief in Developing Risk Defense发展风险抗辩的论争、实践与消费者救济
18.They made great contributions in order to defeat the Japanese aggressrs and strive for the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan.他们为打败日本侵略者,争取抗日战争的胜利做出了巨大的贡献。

Limited Resistance of Weak弱者的有限抗争
3)rival[英]['ra?vl][美]['ra?vl?]n.竞争者,对手 v.对抗
1.A neglected struggler: comments on Mathilde in The Red And The Black;一个被忽略的抗争者——评《红与黑》中玛蒂尔德形象
2.The Struggle of the Confucian to the Imperial Power During the Western Han Dynasty;西汉儒家知识分子对皇权的抗争
3.Struggle: another subject of Hemingway s novels;抗争:解读海明威的另一主题
1.Puzzledom and Resistance of Land-expropriated Farmers: A Research Based on the View of Risk Society;风险社会视角下失地农民的困境与抗争问题研究
2.Death,Loneliness and Resistance-Exploration of the Tragic Consciousness in Hemingway's works死亡·孤独·抗争——论海明威作品的悲剧意识
1.Media-struggling with the constriction of the power of man;美狄亚,对男权压迫的绝望抗争
2.Consider the ways of struggling with the fate of the heroine of the Gold-lock s Story in the desperate background;论《金锁记》主人公抗争宿命的绝域之路
3.From the perspective of Colin Wilson s humanism,this thesis,combining the analysis of the representative heroes in Hemingway s works with Hemingway s experience,points out that the focal point of Hemingway s works is not "loss";whereas he bent on inspiring people s struggling consciousness and awakening people s shumber spirit and will by fundamental themes such as wars,bullfights and lo.通过对海明威笔下的具有代表性的主人公形象的细致分析,结合其本人的经历,就会发现海明威作品的核心并非"迷惘",他运用战争、斗牛和爱情的基本主题去呼唤抗争意识,唤醒人们沉睡的精神和意志,证实自己的存在价值。
