1.The Absurdity in Stoppard's Drama斯托帕德的荒诞戏剧艺术——读《罗森格兰兹和吉尔登斯坦死了》

1.The Absurdity in Stoppard's Drama斯托帕德的荒诞戏剧艺术——读《罗森格兰兹和吉尔登斯坦死了》
2.Inheritance and Transformation of the Absurd Theatre: On Stoppard s Parodic Absurd Plays;荒诞派戏剧的继承与变奏——论斯托帕德的戏仿型荒诞剧
3.Parody and Subversion--An analysis of the contemporary British playwright Tom Stoppard′s drama creation戏仿与颠覆——浅析当代英国剧作家汤姆·斯托帕德的戏剧创作
5.(Greek mythology) the last king of Troy; father of Hector and Paris and Cassandra.(希腊神话)特洛伊最后一个国王;赫克托、帕里斯和卡桑德拉的父亲。
6.Parks," Frederick Toca Jr., an attorney for the family members, said Monday.星期一,帕克斯女士家族成员的辩护律师弗雷德里克·托卡博士说。
7.SALSA DE ESPADA, Patricia帕特里西亚·萨拉斯·德埃斯帕达
8.Sierra Madre de Chiapas恰帕斯州马德雷山脉
9.The father of Paris, Hector, and Cassandra and King of Troy, who was killed whe his city fell to the Greeks.普里阿摩斯:特洛伊国王,帕里斯、克托耳和卡桑德拉的父亲,在希腊人攻陷特洛伊城时被杀。
10.The father of Paris, Hector, and Cassandra and king of Troy, who was killed when his city fell to the Greeks.普里阿摩斯是帕里斯,赫克托和卡珊德拉的父亲,特洛伊的国王,在特洛里城被希腊人攻陷时被杀
11.Richard Henry Stoddard理查德?亨利?斯托达德
12.Except for one mistake, Despatie's performance was very excellent and led Britain's Tony Ally by 18 points to finish first.除了有一跳失误,德斯帕蒂的表演相当出色,最后他领先英国选手托·阿利18分排名榜首。
13.fabric ofalfa fibre, woven机织埃斯帕托叶纤维织物
14.Gas Pressure:convert from 1.0~100.9Torr to Pascal(Pa)气体压力:1.0~100.9托换算成帕[斯卡]对照表
15.TORRES, Santiago de圣地亚哥·德托雷斯
16.Life of Thomas Telford托马斯·梯尔福德传
17."Family trouble," Thomas Hudson said.“内讧,”托马斯·赫德森说。
18.and the Pathrusim and the Casluhim and the Caphtorim (from whom came the Philistines).帕斯鲁细人,迦斯路希人,迦斐托人。从迦斐托出来的有非利士人。

3)Tom Stoppard (1937~  )斯托帕德,T.
4)Tom Stoppard汤姆·斯托帕德
1.Parody and Subversion——An analysis of the contemporary British playwright Tom Stoppard′s drama creation戏仿与颠覆——浅析当代英国剧作家汤姆·斯托帕德的戏剧创作
2.The contemporary British playwright Tom Stoppard has already been the focus of the critics in the field of theatre for the special style of his works.英国当代剧作家汤姆·斯托帕德因其独特的戏剧风格从开始就是报界和戏剧评论界评论的焦点。
6)Luis Palés Matos (1899~1959)帕莱斯·马托斯,L.
