2)tortoiseshells and animal bones龟甲兽骨

1.The Economic Position of Hunting in the Shang Dynasty;从龟甲兽骨看田猎在商代的经济地位
2.They inscribed divination words on tortoise shells or animal bones, and painted them red to symbolize good luck or black to symbolize potential disaster.他们把卜辞刻在龟甲和兽骨的平坦面上,涂上红色标示吉利,黑色标示凶险。
3."Jiaguwen refers to shell and bone writing, they form one of the most ancient written languages in the world."甲骨文是指以龟腹甲和兽骨为材料,用刀刻写的文字。甲骨文是世界上最古老的书写文字符号之一。
4.Cracks will occur in the region of the thyroid cartilage because of deglutition.甲状软骨部分会由于吞咽动作而龟裂。
5.Study on Components of Promoting the Skin and Bone Repair and Healing in Chinemys Reevesii;龟甲中促皮肤和骨修复愈合作用成分分析研究
6.The ventral part of the shell of a turtle or tortoise.腹甲海龟或陆龟的龟甲的腹部部分
7.Any of various beetles of the family Scarabaeidae, such as the cockchafer.金龟子一种金龟子科甲虫,如金龟子等
8.There are plenty of collections of bones from animals such as reindeer, horses, bison and mammoths that are associated with Neanderthals, but few remains of rabbits or tortoises.在有尼人的地方总是收藏有大量来自驯鹿、、牛、犸的兽骨,却很少有小动物,比如兔或龟的残骸。
9.Celluloid had been commercially available for decades as a substitute for tortoise-shell, horn, bone and other materials.几十年来,赛璐璐一直在商业上充当龟甲、角、骨和其他材料的代用品。
10.cigar or cigarette case, of tortoise shell龟甲制香烟盒或雪茄盒
11.Bacillus popilliae日本金龟甲芽孢杆菌
12."Seafood includes Bony and cartilaginous fishes, crustaceans, mollusks, edible jellyfish, sea turtles, frogs, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers."海味包括多刺和软骨的鱼、甲壳动物、软件动物、可食用的水母、海龟、蛙、球海胆和海参。
13.They made use of animal bones, which they carved into basic tools.他们利用兽骨,把兽骨雕成基本工具。
14.Any of various European beetles of the family Scarabaeidae, especially Melolontha melolontha, which is destructive to plants.金龟产于欧洲的金龟科大甲虫,尤指鳃角金龟,对植物有害
15.wide ranging marine turtle with flexible leathery carapace; largest living turtle.广泛分布的海龟,甲壳象柔韧的皮革;最大的活龟。
16.2,2'-methylene-bis(4-methyl-6-tert -butylphenol)一特丁基间甲酚[抗曲挠龟裂剂]
17.disc , of tortoiseshell (excl. button blanks)龟甲制圆片(不包括纽扣坯料)
18.the mottled horny substance of the shell of some turtles.龟的甲壳上有斑纹的角质物质。

tortoiseshells and animal bones龟甲兽骨
1.This paper compares "guran" and "suiran",the former signifying "answering concession" and the latter "independence concession".通过语料分析,可以发现,"固然"表示回应性让步,"虽然"表示"自主性让步",直接提出自己的观点。
2.This paper studies the Chinese concessive conjunction from views of diachronic evolvement and synchronic grammatical fuction,focusing on "Jishi" "Zongran" "Jiushi" "Suiran Mn the aspect of diachronic evolvement,this paper explores the origin of "Jishi" "Zongran" "Jiushi" "Suiran" and so on.本文以“即使”“纵然”“就是”“虽然”为中心,探讨了汉语让步连词的历时演变和共时语法功能。
1.The Cultural Characteristics of the Dark Cloth Zhuang s Folk Song “Suimin”;黑衣壮民歌“虽敏”的文化特征
6)admitting that虽然说
