1.Exotic fascination and ethical perspective:Analysis of Cypsywomen's classical figure in western literature异域想象与伦理透视:西方文学中吉普赛女郎经典形象探析

1.a gipsy girl [ camp ]吉普赛女郎[营地]
2.Exotic fascination and ethical perspective:Analysis of Cypsywomen's classical figure in western literature异域想象与伦理透视:西方文学中吉普赛女郎经典形象探析
3.Since his girl went to art college, she has run completely off the rail, dressing like a gypsy and coming home at all hours.自从他的女儿进艺术学院以来,完全过着放荡的生活,装束像个吉普赛女郎,从不按时回家。
4.Romany rye(与吉普赛人结伙, 能说吉普赛话的)非吉普赛人
5.of or relating to the Gypsies or their language or culture.属于或关于吉普赛人、吉普赛语、吉普赛文化的。
6.A Study of the Gypsy Female Images in the Western Literature of the 19th Century;十九世纪西方文学中吉普赛女性形象研究
7.A Study on the Creation of Gypsy Female Images in the Western Literature in the 19th Century;19世纪西方文学中吉普赛女性形象创作的美学原因
8.Gypsies make difficult friends for ordinary people, and he was something of a gypsy.普通人很难和吉普赛人交朋友,他有点像吉普赛人。
9.Regina: Cheating on her with that young girl at the gas station.丽吉娜:背著她和加油站那个年轻女郎鬼混。
10.She had the kind of water-gipsy face, dusky but rosy.她长着水上吉普赛人的脸孔,黑里透红。
11.She has pure gypsy blood in her veins.她血管里流的是纯吉普赛人的血液.
12.The gypsy had foretold that the boy would die.那吉普赛人曾经预言这男孩儿得夭折.
13."I am no gypsy," he said,"Ask me to tell no fortunes!"“我不是吉普赛人,”他说,“别让我算命。”
14.The Zincali - An Account of the Gypsies of Spain辛卡利--西班牙吉普赛人记实
15.At the fair a gypsy told (me) my fortune, eg by looking at playing-cards or the lines on my hand.有个吉普赛人在游乐场上给我算过命.
16.A Study of Virginia Woolf from the Analysis of Septimus从赛普蒂默斯解析弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫
17.I had my fortune told by Gypsy Rose at the fair.我在集市上让吉卜赛美女给我算了命。
18."maid of honor,Bride's maid, best man, groomsman ""主伴娘,普通伴娘,主伴郎,普通伴郎"

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3)Gypsy female images吉普赛女性形象
1.To further study Why Gypsy female images were used as the symbol in the esthetics field.吉普赛女性形象作为"自由"的象征,是19世纪浪漫主义文学思潮的美学追求。
2.It may be said that Gypsy female images in the 19th century formed a strange scenery line but make person excited with it and think it over.第一部分:吉普赛女性形象作为“自。
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