1.In terms of the sequence and idea focuses,post-classical literary aesthetics of Marxism can be divided into four theoretical types:science,politics,social criticism and cultural analysis.19世纪末叶至今,是马克思主义文艺美学的进一步发展时期或日后经典时期。

1.A Postclassical Narrative Analysis on Absalom, Absalom!《押沙龙,押沙龙!》的后经典叙事分析
2.Morphology and Theme Studies in Post-Classical Marxist Aesthetics of Literature and Art后经典时期马克思主义文艺美学的形态与主题
4.A Brief Review on Reading English Literary Classics from a Postcolonial Perspective;英国经典文学作品的后殖民解读述评
5.Criticisms on Literary Classics and Tendency to Classical Literary Criticism;文学经典的批评与文学批评的经典化——以建国后十七年文学经典的批评为中心
6.As the graduates began to leave the auditorium, many walked passed the graduation pledge tables.典礼结束后,毕业生陆续经过毕业宣言的摊位。
7.Lin Yutang s Translation of Confucian Classics in the Wisdom of Confucius;从后殖民主义角度论林语堂对儒家经典的翻译
8.The Criterion of Foreign Literature Classics in the 17 Years After the Founding of PRC;建国后十七年外国文学经典的翻译标准
9.After "Confucius standing by a river";“子在川上”之后——论经典世界中的情感体验
10.The Anxiety of Influence:the Subversion and Reconstruction Behind the Novel Classics in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;影响的焦虑:明清小说经典背后的颠覆与重建
11.Modification of fanqie in<Interpretation for the Classics Liji Yinyi> of Nowadays Edition;今本《经典释文·礼记音义》中后人增改反切之研究
12.Shen Bao and Management of Pawnshop in Shanghai and Jiangsu after the 1911 Revolution;从《申报》看辛亥革命后苏沪等地典当业的经营
13.On the Possibility of Making Postmodern Literary Versions Classic through Harry Botter;从《哈利·波特》看后现代文学文本经典化的可能性
14.Keats' Quest for Canonization in the Romantic Tradition of Posthumous Writing济慈追寻经典化之路与浪漫主义后世书写传统
15.Research on the Canonization and Decanonization of Red Canon Chao Yang Gou;红色经典《朝阳沟》的经典化与去经典化
16.Canon: Its Formation and Dispute;经典、经典性与关于“经典”的论争
17.Scrupulous and accurate design makes Mendale sofa a great success. Each model is a classic one that transcends fashion and is tested by time but always in mode.设计的斟酌和推敲成就梦洁沙发经典超越时尚,款款经典,经年时考验而不落后。
18.the canonical books (of the Bible)(圣经的) 正经,圣典

post-classical narratology后经典叙事
1.This paper focuses on Caddy,a central character,makes advantage of the theory of post-classical narratology concerned, and stresses the importance of the interaction of the reader and the text in interpretation.本文聚焦于凯蒂这一中心人物,运用后经典叙事相关理论,注重读者与文本的交互阐释作用,指出隐含作者对读者层层诱导,一条线上双方共同把凯蒂推向堕落的深渊;而另一条线上读者却维持凯蒂的正面形象。
3)Classic theories of regret经典后悔理论
4)hysteretic non-classical unit (H-NCU)滞后非经典单元
5)postclassical narratology后经典叙事学
1.With the rise of postclassical narratology,a new wave of focalization studies has made its due arrival.随着后经典叙事学的崛起,叙述聚焦愈来愈引起学界的关注,掀起一轮新的研究热潮。
6)post classical narratology后经典叙述学
1.Narrative theory is experiencing a change from the classical narratology of the 1970s and 1980s to post classical narratology, a change that is backed up by the appearance of numerous variations of narratology, which have broadened the field of study of the subject and provided new approaches to it.叙事理论的发展正经历着从 2 0世纪七八十年代的经典叙述学向后经典叙述学的转变 ,并从 90年代后陆续出现了叙述学的多种分支 ,从而扩大了其研究范围 ,更新了研究方法。
