2)Hume Dam休姆大坝
1.Hume Dam,built in 1936,is the greatest hydro-project in the upper reach of Murray River.墨累河最大的水利枢纽--休姆大坝,控制流域大部分水资源,并联合其他水利枢纽对流域水量进行调配,提高了水资源的利用效率,然而休姆水利枢纽建成后河流水文特征、流域的生态环境等也随之出现了一些负面效应,原有的生态平衡受到影响。
3)electron compound休姆相
4)Thomas Edward Thorpe (1845~1925)索普,T.E.

1.Easily was a man made an infidel,but hardly might he be converted to another faith(T.E.Lawrence)一个人可以轻易地变为不信宗教的人,但几乎不可能转而相信另外一种信仰(T.E.劳伦斯)
2.This plan was dropped, because of its risk, and because a better offered(T.E. Lawrence)这个计划被放弃了,因为它太冒险,也是因为有了一个更好的计划(T.E.劳伦斯)
3.Lawrence OF BRINDISI, SAINT圣劳伦斯(布尔迪西的)
4.Ellison, Lawrence J. United States, 47劳伦斯?J?艾里森,美国,47
5.the St. Lawrence Seaway(美国的) 圣劳伦斯河航道
6.Graham Lawrence, 29,格雷厄姆?劳伦斯, 29岁,
7.Laurence was going on a business trip.劳伦斯要去外地出差。
8.sloan lawrence alternating current linear accelerator斯隆氏 劳伦斯线性加速器
9.Lawrence Small is head of the Smithsonian.劳伦斯?斯摩尔是该学会的主管。
10.The Analysis of the Experimental Characteristics in "the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman";劳伦斯·斯特恩《项狄传》实验性特征浅析
11.On D.H.Lawrence s Oedipal Complex;浅析D.H.劳伦斯的俄底普斯情结
12.On Joyce s and Lawrence s Contribution to the Theory of the Novel;论乔伊斯和劳伦斯对小说理论的贡献
13.D·H· Lawrence’s Implications--Lawrence’s Theme of Ruin in his Short Novels Written in the Period of the European War;D·H·劳伦斯的弦外之音——劳伦斯欧战年代短篇小说中的“毁灭”主题
14.An Analysis of Lawrence s Three Novels from the Perspective of Gilligan s Theory of the Ethics of Care;关怀伦理学视角下对劳伦斯三部小说的分析
15.The Embodiment of D.H.Lawrence s Sex Ethics in Lady Chatterley s Lover;劳伦斯的性伦理在《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的体现
16.The Modern Value of the Ecological Ethics on the Belief of the Unity of Nature and Man in Lawerence’s Novels劳伦斯小说“天人合一”思想的现代生态伦理价值
17.The landing boom for S.t Lawrence seawayGB/T11578-1989圣劳伦斯航道登岸吊杆
18.Clifton Lawrence dismissed his words with a wave of his hand.克利夫顿·劳伦斯一挥手,打断他的话。

Hume Dam休姆大坝
1.Hume Dam,built in 1936,is the greatest hydro-project in the upper reach of Murray River.墨累河最大的水利枢纽--休姆大坝,控制流域大部分水资源,并联合其他水利枢纽对流域水量进行调配,提高了水资源的利用效率,然而休姆水利枢纽建成后河流水文特征、流域的生态环境等也随之出现了一些负面效应,原有的生态平衡受到影响。
3)electron compound休姆相
4)Thomas Edward Thorpe (1845~1925)索普,T.E.
6)Thudichum test图迪休姆氏试验
