1.On the Evolution of Eastern and Western "Free Women" from Anna and Sangqing——A Comparative Study of The Golden Notebook by Lessing and Sangqing and Taohong by Nie Hualin从安娜与桑青看东西方“自由女性”的嬗变——莱辛《金色笔记》与聂华苓《桑青与桃红》之比较分析

1.A Heart Song of the Vagrant--Reading Nie Hualing s Sang Qing and Tao Hong;流浪儿的心曲——读聂华苓的《桑青与桃红》
2.Now while he was sophomore at Clumbia University, Sandy contracted an eye disease that eventually proved to glaucoma.桑迪大二时,得了一种眼病,最后确诊为青光眼。
3.The deep echo of the vicissitudes life--Discussion on Ai Qing s works in the return period;沧桑生命的沉郁回声——谈艾青的“归来”之作
4.Anti-inflammatory activity of anthocyanins from mulberry on adjuvant-induced arthritis桑椹花青素对大鼠佐剂性关节炎抑制作用
5.Now while he was a sophomore at Columbia University, Sandy contracted an eye disease that eventually proved to be glaucoma.桑迪读大学二年级时,得了一种眼病,最后确诊为青光眼。
6.Study on the Relationship between Peroxidase Activity and the Resistance of Mulberry Against Bacterial Wilt过氧化物酶活性变化与桑树抗青枯病性的关系研究
7.The Want and the City:the Molding of One Hundred Years' Vicissitudes of Life--Cultural Idea of the Novel The Trilogy of Hong Kong by Shi Shuqing欲与城:百年沧桑史的构造——论施叔青小说《香港三部曲》的文化意蕴
8.Mulberry anthocyanins belong to the class of water-soluble phenolic compounds, and possess various of pharmacological properties.桑椹花青素是一类水溶性黄酮类化合物,对人体具有多种生理保健功能。
9.The stained, slippery grass, the darkened mulberries, told only half the story.那血迹斑斑的湿润的青草和变黑了的白桑树只能讲叙这个故事的一部分。
10.Primary Survey on Sorosis Character of Speeies Resources of Guangdong Mulberry ( Morus atropurpurea Roxb)广东桑种果桑资源的桑椹性状初步研究
11.Santana 2000 car桑塔纳2000轿车
12.Wang Ping: Lausanne, Switzerland.王平:瑞士的洛桑。
13."is Sonny still running the show'?"“桑儿还在管事吗?”
14.SANHA, Malam Bacai马拉姆·巴凯·桑哈
15.Tanzanian Shilling - Tanzania, United Republic of坦桑尼亚先令-坦桑尼亚联合共和国
16.This paper thinks that the mulberry tax in Jin dynasty derived from the mulberry tax system of Liao dynasty.金代桑税渊源于辽和北宋的桑税制度。
17.Flow Injection Blwmperometrlc Analysis of Morin;流动注射双安培法测定桑枝中桑色素
18.Research on Original Subject of Moshangsang;采桑母题与《陌上桑》的题材与人物

Mulberry bacterial wilt桑青枯病
3)Sang Qing/Tao Hong桑青/桃红
1.The novel describes the life tragedy of the heroines "Sang Qing/Tao Hong" to refiect the spiritual course "migratione" compelled in the body and mind of one generation of Chinese.作品描写了女主人公"桑青/桃红"的生命悲剧,反映了一代中国人身心被迫"迁徙"的心路历程。
4)Sangqing and Taohong《桑青与桃红》
1.On Poetic Analyses of Sangqing and Taohong;关于《桑青与桃红》的诗学分析
5)mulberry anthocyanins桑椹花青素
1.The impact of preservatives on mulberry anthocyanins was minor, low concentration of preservatives could enhance the stability of purple sweet potato anthocyanins, and litchi anthocyanins was more sensitive to the preservatives.研究了紫心红薯花青素、荔枝壳花青素及桑椹花青素在不同物理因素及环境条件下的稳定性。
1.Preliminary Investigation on Resveratrol Content in Mulberry Pericarp and Branch;桑椹和桑枝中白藜芦醇的提取及含量测定
2.Explain the meaning about the plantting mulberry method in The Book of Fanshengzhi;关于《氾胜之书》“种桑法”的释读
3.Experiment on Controlling Weeds in Research Mulberry Garden with Several Kinds of Soil-applied Herbicides;几种土壤处理除草剂防除桑园杂草试验

桑青枯病(bacterial wilt)  桑青枯病(bacterial wilt) 又名细菌性青枯病、细菌性枯萎病、瘟桑、疽桑,为害桑树全株的一种细菌性病害。在中国的广东发生,其中佛山地区发病最普遍。 病原为茄青枯假单胞杆菌假单孢杆菌属,学名为Pseudomonas solanacearum Smith。菌体短杆状,无芽孢,无荚膜,长度约0.8-1.9μM。极生鞭毛,多数一根,偶有3根。菌落圆形,平滑有光泽,湿润而呈粘液状,初期灰白色,以后分泌水溶性色素而使成褐色。在10-40℃范围内均可生长,以28-36℃生长最好,致死温度为53℃ 10分钟,适于生长的pH范围为5-9,以7-8生长最好。 病原细菌能在土壤和遗落在土中的病株残体上越冬,由根部(或茎部)伤口侵入,引起初次侵染。发病后病菌从病株组织散落土壤中,带病苗木、接穗、插条等也是传病来源,并通过调运而作远距离传布。本病在4-11月间都可发生,而以8-10月间发病最多。高温多湿,尤以低洼积水地发病较重;桑树摘顶或剪伐可促进发病。 病树地上部的症状主要表现为青枯,其中有些是全株叶片尚保持青绿而失水凋萎,有些则是从桑株的上、中部叶片的叶尖、叶缘先失水,然后变黄,褐而干枯,逐步扩展至全叶、全株。严重时病根的木质部变黑,根部腐烂、脱落。 实行检疫,封锁病区,严格控制病害向无病区扩展和从有病区传入,培育实生苗时,要选用无病地作苗圃,用无病的桑苗和桑枝作嫁接材料,将病株挖起,集中烧毁,并进行病迹地土壤消毒,发病严重的地块,实行与甘蔗、玉米、高粱、水稻等非寄主范围作物轮作。