2)aesthetic individualism审美个体主义
1.Traditional western philosophy believes that literature is just a "superficial understanding",whereas the independent romanticism and the aesthetic individualism overthrow this bias and prove it to be a self-disciplined field which can "nourish the individual soul".20世纪现代审美个体主义颠覆了哲学至上论,论证了文学艺术是一个滋养"个体的心灵"的自律性思想领域,对跨学科的比较文学研究有积极的启示意义。

1.On the Way of Further Development of Cross-subject Comparative Literature;跨学科比较文学如何深入——试论审美个体主义的启示意义
2.The Pilgrimage of a Romantic Writer--Discussion on Ma Lihua s Works from Aesthetic Experience;一个浪漫主义者的心路历程——从审美体验看马丽华的创作
3.Schiller: the Pioneer of Aestheticism and Aesthetics of Inter-subjectivity;席勒:审美主义和主体间性美学的开拓者
4.Intersubjectivity of Naturalism: between Fideism and Aestheticism自然主义的主体间性:在信仰主义与审美主义之间
5.New Media Art:The Aesthetics from Inter-Subjectivity新媒体艺术:建立在主体间性上的审美意义
6.Modernism,Modern Aesthetics and Artistic Aesthetics现代性、审美现代性与艺术审美主义
7.Pragmatism and the Anti-terrorism Policy of the U.S.;实用主义:审视美国“反恐”的一个重要维度
8.The Images of Femininity in Picasso s Cubism Paintings;毕加索立体主义绘画中女性形象的审美韵致
9.Explanation on peak aesthetic experience of humanistic psychology;人本主义心理学对审美高峰体验的阐释
10.The Core Value System of Socialism and Contemporary Aesthetic Culture Construction社会主义核心价值体系与当代审美文化建设
11.Individualism vs. Collectivism:A Cultural Study on Chinese,American and Japanese Management;个体主义与集体主义:中美日管理的文化研究
12.From Romantic Aestheticism to Consumptive Aestheticism--On Aesthetic Tendency of China s 5th Generation Directors;从浪漫审美主义走向消费审美主义——论第五代导演的审美走向
13.Aesthetic Comprehension and Aesthetic Sympathy : The Essential Parts of Aesthetic Inter-Subjectivity;审美理解与审美同情:审美主体间性的构成
14.The Fictitious Ego--On the solipsism of the aesthetic subject and the subjectivity of the narrative content of the Van-Guard Novel;虚伪的自我——先锋小说审美主体的唯我主义与叙事内容的主观性
15.Acceptance Differences of Aesthetic Subject in Music Appreciation;音乐审美活动中审美主体的接受差异
16.Improve the Subject s Feeling Ability in Aesthetic Action;在审美活动中提高主体的审美感受力
17.The "Culturalism"and "Aestheticism" in Literary Theories文艺理论中的"文化主义"与"审美主义"

aesthetic individualism审美个体主义
1.Traditional western philosophy believes that literature is just a "superficial understanding",whereas the independent romanticism and the aesthetic individualism overthrow this bias and prove it to be a self-disciplined field which can "nourish the individual soul".20世纪现代审美个体主义颠覆了哲学至上论,论证了文学艺术是一个滋养"个体的心灵"的自律性思想领域,对跨学科的比较文学研究有积极的启示意义。
3)American individualism美国个人主义
4)individual aesthetic个人审美
1.This article aims at under the linguistic context of great history,from historical great change,recreation and sports one s own transmutation, individual aesthetic way, political strategy, etc.旨在大历史的语境下,从历史巨变、文体自身嬗变、个人审美趋向、政治谋略等几大方面详细分析曹 丕“诗赋欲丽”理论的提出原因,对其“诗赋欲丽”理论的背景原因提出新的质疑。
1.Time of Lust and Disillusion of Aestheticism;欲望时代与审美主义的幻灭
2.Two Anamorphous of Aestheticism and Their Character of Infiltration;两种审美主义变体及其互渗特征
3.The Aestheticism and Modernity in Shen Congwen’s Creations;沈从文创作中的审美主义与现代性问题
6)On American Individualism美国个人主义析论
