1.Andromache:A Constant yet Changing Theatrical Theme《安德洛玛克》戏剧主题的变迁

1.The young son of Hector and Andromache who was killed when the Greeks conquered Troy.阿斯提阿那克斯:赫克托耳与安德洛玛克的幼子,希腊人攻占特洛伊时被杀。
2.On Two Kinds of Tragedy Conflicts and Their Expressive Form -Comparison between the Palace of Eternal Youth and Andromeda论两类悲剧冲突及其表现形式——《长生殿》与《安德洛玛克》的比较
3.The faithful wife of Hector, captured by the Greeks at the fall of Troy.安德洛玛刻:赫克托耳忠贞的妻子,在特洛伊沦陷时被俘。
4.Titus Andronicus泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯
5.Titus Andronicus:An Interpretation from the Perspective of Bakhtin’s Theory of Carnivalesque“狂欢”视角中的《泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯》
6.The Inspiration from the Painting Contention between Jean Auguste Dominique and E.Delacroix德拉克洛瓦与安格尔绘画争鸣的启示
7.Then he went swiftly to the battle, while Andromache wept and would not be comforted于是,他迅速前往参战,而安德洛玛刻则哭泣不已,忐忑不安。
8.A Study of Baroque Tension in Marvell s Poetry;安德鲁·马维尔诗歌中的巴洛克张力研究
9.On the Dark Side of Human Nature Shown in Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare;论莎剧《泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯》中人性的阴暗
10.the annexation of Czechoslovakia by Germany德国并吞捷克斯洛伐克
11.MARIA, Victor Saude维克多·萨乌德·玛丽亚
12.VAN BLOKLAND, W.R. Beelaerts贝拉尔茨·范布洛克兰德
13.Troilus and Cressida特洛伊勒斯与克芮丝德
14.Jean Valjean gruffly and grumblingly paid Marie-Claude for the pint of milk behind their mother's back, and the children were not punished.冉阿让气冲冲,嘴里唠叨不绝,瞒着孩子们的母亲把牛奶钱照付给玛丽-克洛德,他们才没有挨揍。
15.Maggie's Moral Growth in the Mill on the Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中玛姬的道德成长
16.Analyzing Two Major Female Characters in Titus Andronicus;《泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯》中的主要女性人物形象分析
17.An Eulogy of the Downfallen Hero;一曲没落英雄的颂歌——解读莎剧《泰脱斯·安德洛尼克斯》
18.On Shakespeare s Early Tragedy TITUS ANDRONICUS;神话祭祀与悲剧张力——论莎士比亚早期悲剧《泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯》

Titus Andronicus《泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯》
1.Analyzing Two Major Female Characters in Titus Andronicus;《泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯》中的主要女性人物形象分析
3)Claude Lorrain (1600~1682)克洛德·洛兰
1.Struggle Between Soul And Nature --Analysis of Heroine Frollo in 《Notre-Dame De Paris》;灵魂与人性的挣扎——浅析《巴黎圣母院》的主人公克洛德
5)Kerode Gel克洛德·格
1.Kerode Gel" is one of Hugo s short stories, which describes that the poor protagonist comprehended the national prison system and the law system through his self-sacrifice by killing the dean of the prison.《克洛德·格》叙述了贫穷的克洛德通过自我牺牲完成对国家监狱体系和法律制度体系认知的故事。
6)Max Dessoir玛克斯·德索
1.ZONG Bai-hua s aesthetics and Max Dessoir;宗白华美学与玛克斯·德索之关系
2.A Tentative Analysis of Max Dessoir s Thought of the Science of Art;试论玛克斯·德索的艺术科学论
