1.Snow and Flower:Cognitive Approach to the Metaphor in Japanese Tannka雪与花:日本短歌中的隐喻认知考察

1.Conceit in John Donne s Songs and Sonets;约翰·邓恩《歌与短歌集》中的奇思妙喻
2.Paradox in John Donne s the Songs and Sonets;约翰·邓恩《歌与短歌集》中的悖论
3.The Unique Approaches to Love in John Donne s Songs and Sonets;约翰·邓恩《歌与短歌》集中独特的爱情表达方式
4.jingles for TV advertising为电视广告作的押韵的诗句[短歌]
5.Frenchy Ha■ku:An Analysis of Airs by Philippe Jaccottet;“法式俳句”——雅各岱《短歌集》刍议
6.Snow and Flower:Cognitive Approach to the Metaphor in Japanese Tannka雪与花:日本短歌中的隐喻认知考察
7.Songbook includes melody line with lyrics, guitar chords, and complete transparencies.是教会敬拜,短歌,团契,和个人的最佳选择。
8.They caused her to cling closer to things she possessed.有一首短歌那位年轻的小姐弹得特别温柔缠绵。
9.a short musical composition with words.有歌词的短的音乐作品。
10.A short liturgical text chanted or sung responsively preceding or following a psalm, psalm verse, or canticle.短诗,歌曲在颂歌、赞美诗或圣歌前后轮流吟诵或吟唱的礼拜仪式短诗或歌曲
11.and I write short stories and poetry for our school literary magazine.也为校文学杂志写短篇故事和诗歌。
12.The opera was preceded by a short sinfonia.歌剧开始前有一简短的序曲。
13.The opera was preceded by a short overture.这部歌剧开始前有一简短的序曲。
14.a short simple song (or the words of a poem intended to be sung).一支短的简单的歌(或是易于演唱的诗)。
15.A short, lighthearted air or song.小坎佐尼一支短小、轻松的曲子或歌
16.The Study of Tragically Aspect of Mongolian Narrative Short Tone Folk Song;蒙古族叙事性短调民歌的悲剧性研究
17.On the Ordos Mongolian Singer Jinhua Short Art Song Tune论蒙古族歌唱家金花的鄂尔多斯短调民歌演唱艺术
18.The interval between two acts of a theatrical performance.幕间休息在戏剧、歌剧两幕之间的短暂休息

Songs and Sonets《歌与短歌集》
1.Conceit in John Donne s Songs and Sonets;约翰·邓恩《歌与短歌集》中的奇思妙喻
3)Songs and Sonets《歌与短歌》集
1.The Unique Approaches to Love in John Donne s Songs and Sonets;约翰·邓恩《歌与短歌》集中独特的爱情表达方式
1.This paper analyses the aesthetic features of Airs by Philippe Jaccottet, a famous contemporary French poet of Switzerland, and reveals the poet s aesthetic view from this aspect.本文对《短歌集》的美学特点进行了评析 ,从一个侧面揭示了当代著名瑞士法语诗人菲力浦·雅各岱的诗歌美学观。
1.An Analysis on Cao Cao s Anxieties ——Through his poem Duangexing;谈曹操之忧——由《短歌行》谈起
