1.On the Image of Satan in John Milton's Paradise Lost and the Theme of Long Poem论弥尔顿《失乐园》中的撒但形象及长诗主题

1.The cross was the power that conquered Satan and sin.十字架就是征服撒但和罪恶的权能。
2.Before Satan fell, his name was Lucifer.撒但坠落以前,他的名字是路西弗。
3."and the Lord said to the Satan, See, I give all he has into your hands, only do not put a finger on the man himself. and the Satan went out from before the Lord."耶和华对撒但说,凡他所有的都在你手中。只是不可伸手加害于他。于是撒但从耶和华面前退去。
4."and the Lord said to the Satan, Where do you come from? and the Satan said in answer, From wandering this way and that on the earth, and walking about on it."耶和华问撒但说,你从哪里来?撒但回答说,我从地上走来走去,往返而来。
5."Now Satan, designing evil against Israel, put into David's mind the impulse to take the number of Israel."撒但起来攻击以色列人,激动大卫数点他们。
6."and the Satan said in answer to the Lord, Is it for nothing that Job is a god-fearing man?"撒但回答耶和华说,约伯敬畏神,岂是无故呢?
7.Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?撒但回答耶和华说,约伯敬畏神,岂是无故呢。
8.But Jesus said, 'Begone, Satan! '但耶稣却说:“去吧,撒旦
9.But my covenant I will fulfil with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year .但是撒拉明年此时将生下以撒,我是要同以撒履行立约的。
10.'Nazareth!'Nathanael exclaimed;'can anything good come from Nazareth? '拿但业喊道:“拿撒勒!拿撒勒还会出什么好事么?”
11.Fibbing is not acceptable, even if you don't call it lying.尽管你说撒小谎不是撒谎,但它仍不能让人接受。
12.He never actually tells lies, but he often sails pretty close to the wind.他实际上从不撒谎, 但说的话常迹近撒谎.
13.All this happened to Nebuchadnezzar the king.但4:28这事都临到尼布甲尼撒王。
14.One can tell lies, but one can not cover up real existence.人可以撒谎,但却无法掩盖真实的存在。
15.It shames me to say it,but I told a lie.说起来很难启齿,但我确实撒了个谎。
16.I do not mind lying, but I hate inaccuracy.我不在乎撒谎,但我憎恨讲话不准确。
17.But God replied:"No. Your wife Sarah shall bear you a son, and you shall call him Isaac."但上帝答道:“不,你的妻子撒拉会给你生一个儿子,你要叫他以撒。”
18.It appeared that what I said was untrue, but I did not knowingly lie to you.看来我说错了,但是我并非故意向你撒谎。

1.Provisos and Non-provisos in Laws and Regulations;法律法规中的但书句与非但书句
2.On the Functions of the Proviso in Article 13 of Criminal Law论刑法第13条但书的功能
1.Spirit of Modern Time in Dante s Works;但丁思想中的新时代精神
2.On Heaven Image in Dante s Love Experience;“天堂”意象在但丁爱情体验中的审美观照
3.Dante and Shakespeare Observed from the Critical Horizon of T.S.Elio;T·S·艾略特批评视野中的但丁和莎士比亚
6)bie shuo不但
1.As the compound sentence of progression with connecting construction that marked the sign of progression A: bie shuo A1 lian A2 ye/dou VP and B: bu dan B1lian B2 ye/dou VP,both of them belong to the same type of compound sentence of progression,but have a slight difference.作为有递进标记的递进连字句A:别说A1连A2也/都VP和B:不但B1连B2也/都VP,它们同属于递进句式,但却也有着些微的差异性。
2.The compound sentence of progression with a progression mark A: bie shuo Al lian A2 ye/dou VP and B: bu dan Bllian B2 ye/dou VP.作为有递进标记的递进连字句A:别说A1连A2也/都VP和B:不但B1连B2也/都VP,它们同属于递进句式,但却也有着些微的差异性。

《盎格鲁撒克逊编年史》  阿尔弗烈德大王在位时期编写的盎格鲁撒克逊时期的编年史。从公元7、8世纪起,盎格鲁撒克逊各国已有人开始撰写编年史。但这些编年史都是地方性的。记载互有出入。英国统一后,需要有统一的历史记载。阿尔弗烈德大王组织一批学者,把各地编年史加以校订增删,汇编成该部编年史。该编年史原从公元前60年G.J.凯撒征服不列颠写起,截至891年,后来由许多修道院修士续写到1154年英王斯蒂芬去世。现存 A、凴、B、C、D、E、F7种抄本。891年以前的内容基本相同,都来自西撒克逊首都温切斯特所藏本。891年后就有很大出入。长短详略,各不相同。有的抄本在威廉征服英国后得到补充,例如"A"和"F"两种都是在坎特伯雷的教堂中增补的。还有在彼得城增补的" E"本,记载时间最长,直到1154年,为他本所不及,但誊录时在12世纪初期部分加入一些无关的史料。这部编年史用古英文写成。也是一部古代优秀的散文著作,有的地方还掺入诗歌。这部编年史着重于世俗历史,并较多地采用英国中部和南部的年代记材料和口头传说。    本书有多种英文校注本,较早的常用本有B.索普注本(1861)和C.普卢默注本(1892),最新注本为D.怀特洛克等所编(1962)。