1."Oedipus complex" between Juzhi and Zhouping情欲的沉沦 人性的悲歌——比较分析菊治和周萍的“俄底浦斯情结”
1.Effects of Photoperiod on Floral Bud Differentiation and Flowering of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Jinba’;光周期对秋菊品种‘神马’花芽分化和开花的影响
2.Through an analysis of chrysanthemum poems in the Tang Dynasty,the author works out different kinds of the imagery indication of the flower in the poetry,the causes and process of such a phenomenon.通过对唐代用菊诗歌的解读,梳理出了唐代诗歌中有关菊的意象的种类、形成原因及过程。
3.This paper explores the correlation and development of the ‘Four Men of Virtue’— plum, orchard, bamboo and chrysanthemum — of the traditional Chinese painting in simple ink and wash without application of colour, and thenreviews its artistic features and course of development.探讨水墨画中梅、兰、竹、菊"四君子"相互间的联系及其流传情况,并对其艺术特征、发展脉络进行了论述。

1.knapweed; star thistle.黑矢车矢车;矢车属的各种植物的任一种。
2.On Tao Yuanming s Seeking for Longevity by Picking and Eating Chrysanthemum;“能制颓龄”——论陶渊明采的摄生意图
3.the sweet [ yellow ] sultan【植】紫[黄]矢车
4.camomile, mint, herb tea花、 薄荷、 药草茶.
5.marigold window【建】车轮窗, 花窗
6.any of several plants of the genus Arctotis having daisylike flowers.开有像雏般花冠的蓝目属植物。
7.African Marigold万寿 ,[alias]: 臭/臭芙蓉/万盏灯
8.I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular.我特别喜欢雏和矢车
9.Assaying of cichoric acid in introducing plant of Echinacea purpureaa引种紫锥有效成分苣酸含量研究
10.Study on the Extraction and Purification Technology of Puna Chicory Inulin;普那粉提取与纯化的工艺研究
11.The Hydrolysis of Inulin with Immobilized Inulinase on Cotton Cloth;棉织物固定化粉酶酶解粉的研究
12.Studies on Phylogenetic Relationships between Several Taxa of Dendranthema and Ajania;部分属与亚属植物亲缘关系研究
13.Determination of Micro-elements in Chrysanthemum morifolium and Dendranthemam orfolium;杭白与黄山贡中微量元素的测定
14.The Synthesis of Pesticide on Non Imitative Pyrethrum Ester;不含酸类拟除虫酯化合物的合成
15.Comparing Herselp to Chrysanthemum to Express her Grief --on the Chrysanthemum Poems by LI Qingzhao;以自况,寄托哀怨——说李清照的花词
16.A similar, related Eurasian annual plant(Matricaria recutita.母一种相似的有关联的欧亚大陆一年生植物(母属)
17.A Mediterranean species of star thistle(Centaurea calcitrapa)naturalized in North America.矢车星蓟的一个地中海种(星苞矢车矢车属),原长于北美洲
18.A plant of the genus Doronicum, which includes the leopard's bane.多榔属植物一种多榔属植物,包括车前多榔

1.Effects of Photoperiod on Floral Bud Differentiation and Flowering of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Jinba’;光周期对秋菊品种‘神马’花芽分化和开花的影响
2.Through an analysis of chrysanthemum poems in the Tang Dynasty,the author works out different kinds of the imagery indication of the flower in the poetry,the causes and process of such a phenomenon.通过对唐代用菊诗歌的解读,梳理出了唐代诗歌中有关菊的意象的种类、形成原因及过程。
3.This paper explores the correlation and development of the ‘Four Men of Virtue’— plum, orchard, bamboo and chrysanthemum — of the traditional Chinese painting in simple ink and wash without application of colour, and thenreviews its artistic features and course of development.探讨水墨画中梅、兰、竹、菊"四君子"相互间的联系及其流传情况,并对其艺术特征、发展脉络进行了论述。
3)bud of Flos Chrysanthemi Indici野菊菊米
5)Helianthus tuberosus [girasole; artichoke]菊藷;菊芋
6)chrysanthemum n.菊;菊属
