2)désir de la mort死亡欲望
3)Eros and Thanatos爱欲与死欲
4)Life Death and Eros生死爱欲

1.Life,Death and Love of a Welsh--An Exploration of the Themes in the Poems of Dylan Thomas一个威尔士人的生死爱欲——论狄兰·托马斯诗歌主题艺术
2.Love,Passion and Being in Poetry;诗歌中的爱欲生死——罗赛蒂与徐志摩生命中的三个女性
3.Thirst for Life and Thirst for Death: On the Death of Jack London;生的激越 死的欲求——析杰克·伦敦之死
4.A Physiological Interpretation of Sexual Urge of Females in Ancient Love Dramas;古代爱情戏中女性爱欲的生理学解读
5.In Love there is Life and Death.爱情里也有死有生。”
6.Freud's early concept of sexuality is still far remote from that of Eros as life instinct.弗洛伊德早期的性欲观与其作为生命本能的爱欲观相去甚远。
7.Love and Death:Patterns of Desires in YU Hua s Brothers (Ⅰ) Cruel and Cold World;爱与死:在冷酷的世界中绘制欲望的图案——论余华的长篇小说《兄弟(上)》
8.Love complex and death complex -Due to the tragedy of Diana爱欲情结的萌动与死亡情结的迸发——简析安娜悲剧的内因
9.Lechery and Death --the Revelation of life by going over the plots of Jin Ping Mei;纵欲与死亡——《金瓶梅》情节梳理的生命启示
10.Desire in Isolated Life--The Erotic Poetics of Eileen Chang in Novel "Feng Suo;封锁中的生命欲望——从《封锁》看张爱玲的情色诗学
11.A marginal survivals′ carnival:On the love stories in Three Collections of Short Stories;边缘生存者的狂欢——论“三言”中的爱欲小说
12.So it does, the freedom and education are the Eros, are the pursuit of the eternity.教育就是“爱欲”,在“爱欲”中追寻永恒。
13.Comments on Marcuse Eros and Civilization;爱欲解放与现代文明——评《爱欲与文明》
14.Rationality Eros politics--on Eros and civilization理性、爱欲、政治——解读《爱欲与文明》
15.Life is short and precious, and appetite is one of its guardians, and loss of appetite is a sort of death.生活短暂而宝贵,欲望是生活的保护神之一,失去欲望无异是一种死亡。
16.Edison was born in 1847 in the United States of America, and died in 1931.爱迪生1847年在美国出生,死于1931年。
17.Jas.1:15 Then the lust, having conceived, gives birth to sin; and the sin, when it is fully grown, brings forth death.雅一15然后私欲怀了胎,就生出罪;罪既长成,就产生死。
18.Love·Sex·Death:Duras s Love Novel and Her life in Her Later Years;爱·性·死——杜拉斯的情爱作品和她的晚年生活

désir de la mort死亡欲望
3)Eros and Thanatos爱欲与死欲
4)Life Death and Eros生死爱欲
5)love and death爱与死亡
1.In their respective works Death in the Woods and A Rose for Emily, they elaborated on the themes of love and death.特别是安德森的《林中之死》与福克纳的《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》 ,在表现爱与死亡这些主题中 ,他们在视点、题材、结构、象征等许多方面都有相似之
6)"love sorrow and death"爱、痛苦和死亡
