1.Who killed their kids?——on the intertextuality between The Medea and Beloved and the cultural connotations of infanticide谁杀害了她们的孩子?——《美狄亚》与《宠儿》的互文性及“弑婴行为”的文化内涵研究
2)Mothers killing their own children母亲弑婴

1.An Analysis on Mothers' Killing Their Own Children in Medea,The Good Earth,Beloved一曲女性的悲歌——《美狄亚》、《大地》、《宠儿》中母亲弑婴现象分析
2.The murdering of one's father, mother, or other near relative.弑亲谋杀父亲、母亲或其他近亲
3.Jane is helping out Mother by minding the bady.珍正帮着母亲照顾婴孩。
4.The baby was fast asleep in its mother's arms.婴儿在母亲怀里酣睡。
5.A baby sucks milk from his mother's breast.婴儿吮吸母亲的乳汁。
6.The baby struggled in its mother's arms.婴儿在母亲怀抱中挣扎。
7.mother-baby relationship母亲与婴儿间之关系
8.The mother laid her baby in a cradle.母亲把婴儿放在摇篮里。
9.The mother caressed her baby lovingly.母亲疼爱地抚摸着婴儿。
10.Infant were rent from their mother's arms.婴儿从母亲手里被抢走。
11.The baby is nursing at its mother's breast.小婴孩在母亲怀中吃奶。
12.The mother is dressing her baby.母亲正为婴孩穿衣。
13.Lex Pompeia parricidii关于弑亲罪的庞培法
14.The Motif of Infanticide in Western Literature and Reconstruction of Motherhood;西方文学中母亲杀婴母题和母性的重构
15.the attachment that forms between an infant and its mother beginning at birth.婴儿出生时赋予母亲和婴儿的一种连带形式。
16.suck milk from the mother's breasts; of infants and baby mammals.从母亲的乳房吮吸奶;指婴儿和婴孩哺乳动物。
17.The baby screamed blue murder when its mother put it in the bath.婴孩在母亲把他放进浴缸时大哭大闹。
18.The baby was closely looked after by her mother.这个婴儿被她母亲紧紧地看护着。

Mothers killing their own children母亲弑婴
3)infant behavior婴儿行为
1.A Preliminary Study on Effects of Kinship on Parental Care and Infanticide of Brandt s Voles (Microtus brandti);亲缘关系与布氏田鼠双亲行为和杀婴行为关系的初探
5)The act of killing an infant.杀婴杀婴行为
1.Relationship between Delivery Alternatives and Behavioral Disorders in Infants: a Survey of 606 Post-delivery Women;分娩方式与早期婴儿行为问题的关系研究

母亲【母亲】  母亲者,谓资生之始,自怀抱以至乳哺、鞠育、护持,劬劳甚至,其恩罔极也。