1.It mainly includes English vocabulary derived from Dionysus,the theory of archetype and the influence of Dionysus on western literature,the special charm of Dionysia and its influence and the spirit of Dionysus\'s impact on western culture.希腊神话中的主神——酒神狄奥尼索斯在西方文化各个领域中产生深远的影响,其中主要包括从酒神派生出的词语、神话原型理论及酒神对西方文学产生的影响、酒神节的魅力及对希腊女性的影响、酒神精神4个方面。

1.A woman member of the orgiastic cult of Dionysus.参加狄俄尼索斯酒神节狂欢的女人
2.In the west, this tradition is reflected by the Bacchus worship, the Bacchus festival afterwards formed and the Carnival which is went down until now.在西方,酒神崇拜及后来形成的酒神节、延续至今的狂欢节都反映了这一传统。
3.The ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus.酒神节为表示尊敬巴克斯的古罗马喜庆日
4.Bacchanalia:The ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus.酒神节:为表示尊敬巴克斯的古罗马喜庆日。
5.The yearly wine festival is held in honour of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine.这一年一度的葡萄酒节是为了纪念罗马酒神Bacchus。
6.The Study on the Mechanism of Neurosteroids Modulated by Ethanol in the Rat Brain;酒精对大鼠脑组织内神经甾体的调节机制研究
7.A priest or votary of Bacchus.酒神的牧师,酒神的信徒
8.Nunc te, Bacche, canam!现在,酒神,请喝!
9.Dionysus [god of wine]戴奥尼萨斯[酒神]
10.Bacchus has drowned more men than Nepture酒神淹死的人比海神多
11.ganglion impar尾神经节, 奇神经节
12.A priestess or female votary of Bacchus.酒神女祭司,酒神女信徒酒神巴克斯的女祭司或女信徒
13.a man who cannot hold his liquor should not drink.不能节杯的人不该喝酒。
14."I hope that you will come and meet me, Bringing a Basket of wine . And we'll celebrate together the Mountain Holiday."何当载酒来, 共醉重阳节
15.enjoying chrysanthemum wine [on Mountain Climbing Festival]喝菊花酒[登高节喝
16.John indulges a taste for wine to the point of insobriety约翰纵酒过度毫无节制。
17.He egged me on to drink too much他怂勇我无节制地喝酒。
18.The barman gives free drinks to the regular at Christmas圣诞节酒吧男侍者免费给老顾客酒喝

3)A participant in the Bacchanalia.酒神节的参与者
4)Of or relating to the Dionysia.酒神节的相关的
5)bacchanalian adj.酒神节的;狂饮作乐的
1.Dionysian-Apollonian Conflict in Lord of the Flies;《蝇王》中日神与酒神精神的冲突
2.Nietzsche s thoughts mainly include: (1) Spirit of art, namely, Apollonian and Dionysian spirit.这种艺术精神具有酒神,日神两种精神,从而分为梦境和醉境两种境界。
3.Nietzsche compliments the art of tragedy in Greece, pays a tribute to the Dionysian spirit and discovers the strong life strength hidden in the tragedy art and the hope of overcoming the life tragedy.他褒扬希腊悲剧艺术,歌颂酒神精神,发现了潜藏在悲剧艺术中的人的强大生命力量和克服人生悲剧性的希望。
