钱钟书,Qian Zhongshu
1)Qian Zhongshu钱钟书
1.On Poetical Works of Mr. Qian Zhongshu from 1946~1949—— Annotation ⅩⅥ of Huaiju Poem Collection;钱钟书先生1946~1949年的诗歌——《槐聚诗存》注释之十六
2.An Exploration on Qian Zhongshu s Psychology of Novel Writing;钱钟书小说创作心态管窥
3.Qian Zhongshu s Comment on Shakespeare——a reading of the Limited Views of Ideas and Letters;钱钟书笔下的莎士比亚——读《管锥编》札记

1.Qian Zhongshu:One of the Most Faithful Readers in the Library History善于利用图书馆治学的读者——钱钟书
2.Qian Zhongshu Goes beyond Laokoon by G. E. Lessing--A commentary on the depreciation of Qian Zhongshu s academic achievements;钱钟书对莱辛《拉奥孔》的超越——兼评对钱钟书学术成就的贬低
3.Textual Research of a Set of Historical Records of Qian Jibo and His Son Qian Zhongshu;关于钱基博、钱钟书父子生平的一组史料之考论
4.Commentary on the Argument Between Zhou Zuoren and Qian Zhongshu on the History of Chinese Literature;周作人钱钟书有关文学史论争之述评
5.Faithfulness of YAN Fu and expressiveness and elegance of QIAN Zhong-shu;严复的“信达雅”与钱钟书的“化境”论
6.The Comparative Analysis Between Kafka s The Castle and Qian Zhongshu s Fortress Besieged;卡夫卡《城堡》与钱钟书《围城》之比较
7.Qian Zhongshu:Thinker and Displayer of modern humanity;钱钟书——现代人性的思考者与表现者
8.Wise Refinements of Living Experience--A Brief Discourse of Fortress Besieged by Qian Zhongshu;人生体验的智慧凝结——略论钱钟书《围城》
9.The Contribution of Qian Zhongshu to the Study on Yuan Haowen s Poems;钱钟书先生对元好问诗歌研究的贡献
10.History Contains the Characteristic of Literature and Poem--The Elaboration of Qian Zhongshu s View on Zuo Zhuan;史蕴诗文之心——钱钟书《左传》研究发凡
11.A Study of Fang Hong-jian and Qian Zhong-shu;“自由”的“忧”与“伤”——论方鸿渐与钱钟书
12.“Fortress Besieged”: Qian Zhongshu s Literature Practice of “Expressing Feelings through Poems”;《围城》:钱钟书“诗可以怨”的文学践行
13.Vividness in Delicacy Elegancy by Nature--Review on Qian Zhongshu s Commemoration;精微传神 淡雅天成——钱钟书《纪念》评析
14.CHEN Wang-dao and QIAN Zhong-shu:The TWO Rhetoric Summits Standing up against Each Other;陈望道与钱钟书:修辞学之双峰并峙
15.A Textual Research on the 21 Corrigenda inHuai-ju s Poems by Qian Zhong_shu;钱钟书《槐聚诗存》21处疏误考证
16.Cultural Imagination and Narrative Wisdom of Qian Zhongshu s Fortress Besieged;钱钟书《围城》的文化想象与叙事智慧
17.The Cultural Analysis of the Qian Zhongshu Fever in Recent Twenty Years;近20年大陆“钱钟书热”的文化剖析
18.Qian Zhongshu s Comment on Shakespeare--a reading of the Limited Views of Ideas and Letters;钱钟书笔下的莎士比亚——读《管锥编》札记

QIAN Zhong-shu钱钟书
1.On QIAN Zhong-shu s Idea of “Der Hermeneutische Zirkel”;钱钟书“阐释之循环”观述评
2.How to Understand Muttering Written by Qian Zhong-shu;怎样解读钱钟书《沉吟》
3.In Commemoration of the 95~(th) Anniversary of Qian Zhong-shu s Birthday and the Centenary of Shi Zhi-cun s Birthday;南施北钱纵横谈——纪念钱钟书诞辰95周年、施蛰存诞辰100周年
3)Qian Zhong shu钱钟书
1.Criticism and reflection of culture in Qian Zhong shu s works standing for minortrend comprise one aspect of the history of culture in 1900s.钱钟书以偏锋的姿态对于时代的批判和文化的反思构成了 2 0世纪文化史上一道风景。
2.Qian Zhong shu first appreciates the patriotic peoms and the scenic peoms in the collection of poems of Lu You.钱钟书从陆游爱国忧民和自然风物两方面诗歌的具体鉴赏出发 ,分辨出陆游爱国忧民的诗歌不同于其他诗人同类诗歌的别开生面之处 ,并从中透示出其内心深处涌动着一种极为强烈的自负执拗的心理情结。
3.Shen holds also that both LU Xun and QIAN Zhong shu s attitude towards these principles of translation fell into the category of “affirmative, or not negative while suggesting new doctrines to replace them ” The present .翻译家沈苏儒以专著《论信达雅》(商务 ,1999)论述并充分肯定严复前辈提出的这一翻译标准 ,认为鲁迅和钱钟书对之均持“大体肯定或不否定而代之以新说”的态度。
4)Qian Zhongshu Fever钱钟书热
1.The Cultural Analysis of the Qian Zhongshu Fever in Recent Twenty Years;近20年大陆“钱钟书热”的文化剖析
2.The Cultural Analysis of The Qian Zhongshu Fever in Recent Twenty Years;大陆二十年“钱钟书热”的文化剖析
5)Qian Zhongshus works钱钟书小说
6)Qian Zhong Shu's essay钱钟书散文
