女性意识,Female Consciousness
1)Female Consciousness女性意识
1.Tragic Tales of the Miserable Female——Remarks on Female Consciousness of the Characters in Xiao Hong s Novel;苦难的女性悲歌——论萧红小说的女性意识
2.The changes of female consciousness in novels by Shi zhe-cun;从女性构型看施蛰存小说女性意识的嬗变
3.The Female Consciousness in Professor by Charlotte;夏洛蒂作品《教师》的女性意识研究

1.The Male Awareness Behind the Female Awareness in "the Destiny of Rebirth";《再生缘》女性意识背后的男性意识
2.The Women Consciousness in Women s Writting;女性文学之女性意识——《长恨歌》、《上海女性》女性生命意识解读
3.Xiao Hong and San Mao: An Interpretation of Their “Women Awareness” and“Freedom Awareness”;萧红与三毛“女性意识”与“自由意识”解读
4.Female Woman Writer Women--On Zhang Ailing’s Female Awareness;女人 女作家 女性——浅谈张爱玲的女性意识
5.Doris Lessing s Female Writing and Female Consciousness;多丽斯·莱辛的女性书写和女性意识
6.Feminine Consiousness and Feminine Writting in the 1970s;“70年代”的女性意识与女性写作
7.Beyond Feminism:An Exploration of Female Awareness of Zhang Ai ling;在女性主义之外——张爱玲女性意识新探
8.TO Study Female Writers’ Woman Consciousness from Genji Monogatari;从《源氏物语》看女性作家的女性意识
9.On feminine awareness of Chinese female literary in the 20th century;试论20世纪中国女性文学的女性意识
10.Incomplete Woman --Analysis of Woman Consciousness in Chen Ran s Works;残缺的女性——陈染作品女性意识分析
11.A Brief Study of Feminine Consciousness in Contemporary Prose by Taiwanese Women Writers;略论台湾当代女性散文中的女性意识
12.To Study Female Writers Feminist Sense from Jane Eyre;从《简·爱》看女性作家的女性意识
13.On Zhai Yongming s Feminist Consciousness in Women Group Poem;论翟永明《女人》组诗中的“女性意识
14.Decoding the Feminist Consciousness in the Heroine O-lan of the Good Earth;解读《大地》女主人公阿兰的女性意识
15.Analyzing the change on feminist ideas of KangKang Zhang s "Woman on the Edge";从《作女》看张抗抗女性意识的蜕变
16.Resistance and Vagrancy--Analysing women consciousness in Zhang Kangkang s Women on the Edge;抗争与流浪——析张抗抗《作女》之女性意识
17.On Feminism Awareness in Translation Works of Chinese Female Translators;浅谈中国女翻译家译著中的女性意识
18.Feminism and Modern Women’s Consciousness of Female Students in the University;女性主义与当代女大学生的现代女性意识

feminine consciousness女性意识
1.Appeal,resist,sacrifice——the development of "feminine consciousness"in the contempor ary novels from the late 1980s;呐喊·对视·献祭——论80年代后期当代小说女性意识的流变
2.Miss Charlotte Lucas and Jane Austin s Feminine Consciousness;卢卡斯小姐和奥斯丁的女性意识
3.The Harmony between Feminine Consciousness and Masculine Voice in Austen s Pride and Prejudice;奥斯丁《傲慢与偏见》中女性意识和男性声音的和谐
3)feminist consciousness女性意识
1.The faint scent feather up to goblet——Elaboration on the feminist consciousness in Zhu shuzhen s wine poem;且得清香寄酒杯——论朱淑真饮酒诗词中的女性意识
2.An analysis of feminist consciousness in Shu Ting s poetry;试析舒婷诗歌的女性意识
1.Tsushimayuko s novel presents women s plain but delicate living setting,and stresses the independence of feminism.津岛佑子的小说展现了女性平凡而细腻的生活场景,凸显了女性意识的独立。
2.It displays the usual state of the female in the unusual state,and shows the special feminism.戒》中以女性特有的关照方式和性别感切入所生活时代的女性生活的内核,表现了非常态下女人的常态,呈现出其独特的女性意识;李安在电影《色。
3.In her works,the female characters change from cowardice to confidence and independence,develop from accepting their unfair fates obediently to striving for a new good life bravely,which indicates the development of Oates feminism.作为当代美国女作家的杰出代表,欧茨把笔触更多的放在描述下层女性对不平命运的抗争上,在她的笔下,女性意识也从萌芽到绽放,从茫然与无奈中逆来顺受发展到奋起抗争,于不平命运追求美好人生,这反映了欧茨本人的女性意识从萌芽到成熟的过程,对女权主义由排斥、否定到接受、认同的转变。
5)female awareness女性意识
1.Human beings, woman , individuals——process of probing into the female awareness by Chinese women writers of 20th century;人·女人·个人——20世纪中国女作家探寻女性意识的心路历程
2.The intimacy of water and fire——On female awareness in Chi Li's novels“水与火的缠绵”——试论池莉小说中的女性意识
3.The female awareness of Zhang Ai ling does not have the feminism connotations that subvert the patriarchal system.张爱玲的女性意识并不具有颠覆父权体制的女性主义内涵。
6)female sexuality女性性意识
