悲剧精神,Tragic Spirit
1)Tragic Spirit悲剧精神
1.A Sorrowful Sound Throughout the Ages,which Is Equal with the Sun and the Moon in Glory——On the tragic spirit of Qu Yuan s poetry;与日月争光的千古悲音——论屈原赋的悲剧精神
2.Three dynamic key elements of western tragic spirit;论西方悲剧精神的动态三要素
3.The Tragic Spirit in Death of a Salesman;《推销员之死》的悲剧精神

1.Comic and Tragic Spirit in ?The Decameron?《十日谈》中的喜剧精神与悲剧精神
2.--Resurvey On the Tragic Conflict and Spirit in Thundertorm;《雷雨》的悲剧冲突与悲剧精神再探讨
3.Supernatural Spirit of Wine and Tragedy Spirit in Nietzsche s Philosophy;论尼采哲学中的酒神精神与悲剧精神
4.Discussion on Chinese tragedy consciousness and its spirit--Take The Book of Songs as the case;论中国的悲剧意识和悲剧精神——以《诗经》为个案
5.The Myth of Destiny and the Disappearance of Chinese Tragic Spirit;命定神话与中国悲剧精神的消解(续)
6.A Sorrowful Sound Throughout the Ages,which Is Equal with the Sun and the Moon in Glory--On the tragic spirit of Qu Yuan s poetry;与日月争光的千古悲音——论屈原赋的悲剧精神
7.Artistic Interpretation of Tragic Politics--The Tragic Spirit in Mao Zedong s Poetry;悲情政治的艺术解读——毛泽东诗词的悲剧精神
8.An Appreciation of the Tragic Spirit in The Gibbering of the Ape从“草草花卉”看《四声猿》的悲剧精神
9.On the Tragic Spirit in the Japanese Literature of "Die for Love";日本“情死”文学作品中的悲剧精神
10.On China s Modern Tragedy in the Spirit of the Performance of Literature;论中国近代悲剧精神在文学中的表现
11.On the Aesthetical Characteristics of Inner Confession of Tragic Spirit in Western Literature;论西方悲剧精神心灵忏悔的审美特征
12.On the Inner Delay as Aesthetical Characteristics of the Tragic Spirit in the Western Literature;论西方悲剧精神内在延宕的审美特征
13.The Methodology Principle of Comparative Researches between the Chinese and Western Tragic Spirit;比较研究中西悲剧精神的方法论原则
14.To Be,or not to Be?--The Analysis of the Tragic Spirit in Native Son;生存,还是毁灭?——《土生子》的悲剧精神探究
15.The Tragic Spirit in Luo Binji s Short Story "Fellow Villager Kang Tiangang";论骆宾基小说《乡亲——康天刚》的悲剧精神
16.The Disordered life with Cruel Poetry-An Analysis of the tragic spirit in Song of Solomon;《所罗们之歌》场景描写与悲剧精神阐释
17.On the "Tragic Spirit" and Symbolic Images of Romsersholm;论《罗斯莫庄》的“悲剧精神”和象征意象
18.Comparative Studies on the Spiritual Stands of Cao Yu s Tragedies and Comedies;曹禺悲剧与喜剧精神立场之比较研究

tragedy spirit悲剧精神
1.This text starts from creations characteristics of laoshe,by descripting and anayzing Sha zilong s tragedy identity and tragedy spirit,expecting to find residential culture spirit essence in Laoshe s tragedy writing.本文从老舍创作特点出发,通过对沙子龙悲剧身份的定位,对其悲剧精神进行了分析,以期寻找老舍在悲剧写作方面体现出的市民文化精神本质的揭示与守望。
2.The study summarization had expatiated the great achievements on the recent decade s study of the Yuan Dynasty miscellaneous play and analysis the deficiency from the aspects of the tragedy roles tragedy spirit,the middlebrow beauty clearing up the tragedy scenar.分别从悲剧形象彰显悲剧精神、中和之美消解悲剧情节、淋漓尽致铺洒悲剧人生等方面概述了近十年元杂剧悲剧研究所取得的巨大成就,并分析了研究存在的不足。
3.At the same time,it makes clear to all that facing the puzzlement of survival should have condition,and calls people to start the whole world with tragedy spirit,thus finding the value of life.悲剧精神,即意识到人生苦痛而又不断抗争的精神。
3)spirit of tragedy悲剧精神
1.This paper attempts to explore the spirit of tragedy in the novel through showing the characteristics of the tragedy,the causes of the tragedy,as well as the revelation of the tragedy to the society.本文试用悲剧理论从《土生子》的悲剧特点、产生悲剧的原因以及悲剧留给社会的启示等方面探讨小说的悲剧精神
2.As the intrinsic feature of western culture,the spirit of tragedy s essence is human being bravely accept the challenge of fate in the infinite universe and society to indomitably make progress.悲剧精神作为欧美文化思想的本质特征 ,其精髓在于 :“人在无限的宇宙和社会客体面前勇敢地接受命运的挑战 ,不屈不挠地进取。
4)tragic spirits悲剧精神
1.Not only does he carry forward ancient Greek culture of tragedies in its subject matter,pattern,motif,and tragic spirits,he also expounds the meanings of mod- em soci.古希腊悲剧文化对尤金·奥尼尔的影响是持久而深刻的,他不仅在悲剧的题材、模式、主题以及悲剧精神等方面继承了古希腊的悲剧文化,还以其自身的经历,独特的认识视角、生存洞察力以及他对人生的理解和感悟,阐释现代社会和人生的意义,也为人本体生存的真实状况提供了解释的依据,揭示出人生的真谛,净化人们的心灵,赋予生命以崇高的意义。
5)spiritual tragedy精神悲剧
1.This paper mainly analyzes the spiritual agony and embarrassed choice confronted by intellectuals and their spiritual tragedy of alienation and degeneration duri.论文侧重分析在社会转型时期,汤吉夫小说中知识分子所面临的精神痛苦和抉择的尴尬,以及他们异化和沉沦的精神悲剧。
2.First,it reflects the female s status,fortune,bondage of spirit and the spiritual tragedy made by fatuity at that time.《欲望号街车》反映了深厚的生活本质,展示了人们精神上种种悲剧性存在,这包括女性在特定时代中的地位、命运、精神束缚;暗昧的理性所造成的精神悲剧;高雅、文明的精神与粗俗、蒙昧的精神的对立;丰富文雅的精神在现实中的异化;伦理道德下理性与欲望的冲突。
3.Martin is the writer s self-portrait and reflects the writer s superman thought,teir tragedy is a deep spiritual tragedy of intellectuals.美国作家杰克·伦敦在其自传体小说《马丁·伊登》中 ,根据自己的亲身体验塑造的同名主人公马丁这一超人般的艺术形象 ,是作家超人思想的显现 ,是作家的“自画像” ,是一曲知识分子深深的精神悲
6)(the)spirit of tragedy悲剧性精神

精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis  精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)