白先勇,Bai Xianyong
1)Bai Xianyong白先勇
1.The tragic exhibition in Bai Xianyong s novels;浅述白先勇小说创作中的悲剧性表现
2.Wanderers Elegy:On the Cultural Nostalgia in Bai Xianyong s Taipeinese and New York Dwellers;漂泊者的哀歌——论白先勇《台北人》《纽约客》的文化乡愁
3.Historical Narrative in Identity Construction:A Case Study of Historical Narrative of Bai Xianyong and Yan Geling;身份建构中的历史叙事——以白先勇、严歌苓两代移民作家的历史叙事为例

1.Resident in Taibei by Bai Xianyong and Qiu Xing- Eight Poems by Du Fu白先勇《台北人》与杜甫《秋兴八首》
2.The Concept of Life in Bai Xianyong s Short Stories;论白先勇短篇小说创作中的生命意识
3.On the tragic fate of homosexuals in Bai Xianyong s novellas;白先勇小说同性恋者的悲剧命运探微
4.The youth heart was became old completely--read Bai Xianyong s novel "Zhe Xian Ji";老尽少年心——读白先勇小说《谪仙记》
5.On Taipei Characters Life Concerning Consciousness;论白先勇《台北人》的生命关怀意识
6.An Eternally Tragic Song--on the Sentimental Consciousness of Bai Xianyong s Novels;永远的悲歌——论白先勇小说的感伤意识
7.On Bai Xianyong s Creative Ideas through His Works of Taibei Man and NewYork Man;从《台北人》、《纽约客》解读白先勇的创作观
8.A Discussion about the Experience of Childhood Influence on Bai Xianyong s Literary Creation;论童年经验对白先勇文学创作的影响
9.On the Tendency of "Misogyny" in the Novels of Bai Xian-yong;试论白先勇小说中的“厌女症”倾向
10.Review on Bai Xian-yong's Creation of "New Yorker" in the Dispersal Visual Field论飞散视野下的白先勇“纽约客”创作
11.Sinking and floating in fate of women in the literatures of Bai Xianyong and Zhang Ailing白先勇与张爱玲笔下女性命运的沉浮
12.The Sense of Exile Pai Hsien-yung's Novel The Evil Son论白先勇长篇小说《孽子》的逃亡意识
13.A Cultural Analysis on Feelings of Remembering Past Times in Zhang Ailing and Bai Xianyong s Novels;对张爱玲、白先勇小说怀旧意识的文化解读
14.The Changes of the Stream-of-Consciousness Creative Techniques in Bai Xianyong s Short Story;白先勇短篇小说中意识流创作手法的流变
15.Radiation of Conscious Flow:A Structure in Pai Hsien-yung s Fiction;意识流程的焦点辐射——白先勇小说的一种结构
16.The Artistic Strategies in Passing on Humanities Spirit in Bai Xian-yong s Novels;论白先勇小说传达人文精神的艺术策略
17.On the Comparison of Literature Creation between Tennessee Williams and Bai Xianyong;试比较田纳西·威廉斯与白先勇的文学创作
18.Female Characters in Bai Xianyong s Novels;女性命运的凄婉悲歌——白先勇小说女性形象简论

Bai Xian-yong白先勇
1.On Religious Consciousness in BAI Xian-yong’s Novel;论白先勇小说中的宗教意识
2.On the Consciousness of Time in BAI Xian-yong’s Novel ——Concurrently Compare with Proust;谈白先勇小说中的时间意识——兼与普鲁斯特比较
3)Bai Xianyong's Novels白先勇小说
4)fight bravely in the van奋勇当先
1.The figure of Guanyu, which includes code of chivalry and bravery, is quite prominent in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.《三国演义》中关羽的“义”和“勇”极为突出。
6)the brave spirits who pioneered开拓的勇士们;开路先锋
