穆旦,Mu Dan
1)Mu Dan穆旦
1.Tragic Hero——An Analysis of the Heroic Images in the Poems of Mu Dan;悲剧英雄——论穆旦诗歌中的英雄形象
2.The Image of "God" in Mu Dan’s Poems;穆旦诗歌中的“上帝”意象
3.The Moan of Soul in the Storm of War——Modernism in Mu Dan s Poems;战争风暴中灵魂的呻吟——穆旦诗歌的现代主义倾向

1.Mu Dan and the Bible --Also on the Three Poetic Plays of Mu Dan穆旦与《圣经》——兼论穆旦的三部诗剧
2.Wang Zuoliang s Research on Mudan--aspects of Mudan studies;王佐良论穆旦——兼及其他穆旦研究
3.Time s Observation: Discovery of Document and Description of MU Dan s New Poetry History;穆旦的新诗史状貌——《穆旦诗全集》、《穆旦诗文集》的变动及新诗史意义
4.Mu Dan phenomenon is refer to the points which are out of the ordinary in Mu Dan and his poem."穆旦现象"是指穆旦其人其诗中的不寻常现象。
5.Perception of Mu Dan s Chinese Expectations from Analysis on the Meaning of the Womb Image In Mu Dan s Poetry;从穆旦诗的子宫意象看穆旦的中国期待
6.On the Problem of Sorting out Mu-dan--The Period of New Paper of Mu-dan;谈穆旦文章的整理问题——兼论穆旦的《新报》时期
7.Mu Dan--a pondering soul on poem--an attemptable discussion on the metaphysics thinking in Mu Dan s poem;穆旦,一颗沉思的诗魂——试论穆旦诗歌中的玄学思考
8.The fate of Mu Dan was actually the fate of his generation.穆旦的命运,实际上是一代人的命运。
9.Warmth behind the Cold--The poems written in 1976 by Mu Dan冷峭中的温情——论穆旦1976年的诗
10.Mu Dan s Romanticism s Feeling Knot and Modernism Choice;穆旦的浪漫主义情结与现代主义选择
11.Tragic Hero--An Analysis of the Heroic Images in the Poems of Mu Dan;悲剧英雄——论穆旦诗歌中的英雄形象
12.Romanticism of MU Dan s Poetry and its Influence;穆旦浪漫主义情结的深层原因及影响
13.The Historical Inheritance of the Doubt Spirit from Weeds by Mu Dan;穆旦诗对《野草》中怀疑精神的历史传承
14.Comment on Biography of Mu Dan by Chen Bo-liang;“历史曾在此走过”——评陈伯良《穆旦传》
15."Wild Grass"by Lu Xun:Its Influence of Sceptical Spirit upon Mu Dan s Poetry;鲁迅《野草》的怀疑精神对穆旦诗的影响
16.Some Thoughts about Mudan s Poetry Learning;从《赞美》一诗看穆旦对自由诗学的实验
17.MU Dan s New Lyricism and the Significance of His Poetics;穆旦“新的抒情”实践及其诗学意义
18.Song of Swan--Mudan s Poems in the Late Time of the Cultural Revolution;天鹅的绝唱——论穆旦“文革”后期的诗作

1.The Body Dimension of Mudan’s Verse Creation;穆旦诗歌写作的身体维度
2.Death and New Life in Mudan s Poems;试论穆旦诗歌中的死亡与新生话语
3.The endeavour for self accomlishment by joining in the masses: A study of Mudan s poetry in the 1950s ;自我“完成”的尝试:到“群众”中去——1950年代穆旦诗歌创作探析
3)Biography of Mu Dan穆旦传
1.Comment on Biography of Mu Dan by Chen Bo-liang;“历史曾在此走过”——评陈伯良《穆旦传》
4)MU Dan's Poems穆旦诗歌
1.Transcend the "Death"——On MU Dan′s Poems;超越“死亡”——穆旦诗歌论
5)Mu Dan studies穆旦研究
1.The significance of Mu Dan studies during this time is that the early discussions and evaluations of his poetries are made,based on the traditions of the world s modern poems through comparative literature,literatu. 20世纪40年代是穆旦诗歌创作的巅峰时期,也是穆旦研究的第一个阶段。
6)later years of Mu Dan穆旦晚年

麤(粗)旦 细旦  见旦。